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    Yikes. Okay, one point at a time here.

    I got an appropriate number of shrapnel wounds and in an appropriate number of firefights based on the job description I signed on for. So I guess the true answer is exactly as many as every veteran I’ve ever met, relatively speaking.

    What about walking/running? Forrest Gump did it.

    You’re saying that we owe them healthcare after they’ve left the job? Funny, none of my previous employers kept me on their healthcare plans after I quit either.
    Now if you were speaking more in generalities, pointing out that tying healthcare to employment is illogical bullshit across the board, well yeah. Obviously.

    Are veterans treated like shit though? [It’s an honest question. I’m neither trolling nor heartless. I just really don’t understand where this idea comes from.]

    My weird and totally irrational fear is that the used car I want to purchase will be gone by the time I save up enough to comfortably purchase it.
    There’s one just a couple of hours away. It looks great, and it’s in my price range. They’re almost never in my price range! Really it’s going to be another 6 months or so

    That sounds like a worthwhile strategy. I wish I’d tried it when I lived in a big city. Now I’m in a smaller place, where there’s only one dealership of any make within a few hundred miles.

    So you go in and you’re treated both like a human AND a valued customer?

    “There is a fix for all 2.0L TDI cars that is in the process of being CARB certified.”

    Sadly I am part of the problem. My VW is white, and I bought that color on purpose.
    At the time, I was disgusted by the chrome trim they put around the windows.(I’m disgusted by all but the most sparing uses of chrome.) The white made it stand out the least, so I ordered mine in white. After that I discovered

    This literally just happened. It was in my local news this morning. A home invasion where the intruders announced themselves as police while entering.

    “...at 200,000 miles and like any car at that mileage, needs to be replaced.”

    Great review Stef! I just have 2 questions for you.

    1 - Acura: I don’t think these come with manual transmissions. There’s just something wrong about a new driver having an automatic.
    2 - TT: This is perfect. Just perfect.
    3 - MX-5: Not enough seats. A new driver is likely to survive with a single car for a very long time. When you only have one car, back seats make a

    They do? So just walk in and hand them some lead acid batteries to get store credit? That sounds perfect if that’s how it works.

    “The price of dead batteries has at the same time risen from around 35¢/lb last year to 40-45¢ this year.”

    I fell for that one once too.

    Interesting. Usually tires and wind totally overwhelm engine noise, and I don’t remember the soft top I drove having a particularly loud engine.

    Well, you’re right. But be careful, because sometimes it’s easy to get cause and effect mixed up.

    “The Miata RF’s other practical advantage over the soft top is reduced wind noise. The effect is not as dramatic as you might expect, though.