Holy God.
Holy God.
Guess what phrase doesn’t appear in that whole article? “Due process.”
“Did you know that the founding principal of liberalism is due process?”
I never said you were responsible for diversity of opinion. If you haven’t read the other reviews on gawker media websites, allow me to summarize: “550 pages of Franzen shitting into your eyeballs.” The novel has not been reviewed with nearly this same kind of universal derision in other venues. If you think that’s…
I guess. I’m open to the possibility that I’m just not sinking into the narrative (I’m about halfway through) because what he’s writing doesn’t jive with my admittedly pre-conceived notions of what would be believable about Pip’s behaviour. Having never been a young woman with self-esteem and impulse-control issues…
“Because he has made you unavoidably aware that you are reading the work of someone who has never been a young woman with self-esteem and impulse-control issues...”
My favourite trolls are the ones that come out of the woodwork 2 years later. Enjoy the rest of 1L year.