
I miss Gawker, but admittedly do not miss the avalanche of comments about plutocratic Hungarian tax evaders under these sort of posts.

So presumably they pulled the height and weight from the football website when filing. Anybody know how many ND players are listed at 6'5" and exactly 278.

“such as the Southern elected officials who put these monuments up in the first place”

Judgment. One E, you goddamned hillbilly.

Did anyone work with Clay Travis at Deadspin who is still here? Was he always this big of a dickhead?

I guess I’m hoping that a basic sense of civility will be the last thing standing between my current state and being tied to a bedframe in a dark room while some dead-eyed NKVD wannabe gets ready to shock my testicles for not being sufficiently progressive.

Because avoiding empaneling black jurors for a case with a black defendant is wildly unconstitutional. Even if you don’t like this defendant.

Counterpoint: there’s still going to be a war no matter what, and thousands and thousands of people are going to die, even if those calls you suggest are successful. It’s just going to be Syrians dying.

Yeah sure she married into money, but you’re not giving her enough credit for her hard work in inheriting hundreds of millions of dollars from her own family. Also her brother is aspiring war criminal/Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

Looks like a skin rash fucked an even more severe skin rash.

Well thank goodness you’re out here fighting the good fight.

This has to be the laziest fucking iteration of a very lazy take.

Honestly, I’m pretty excited about getting to play in the Rose Bowl and then complaining for a decade about what would have been, as opposed to losing to Bama by 100.

“Rose’s two friends, Ryan Allen and Randall Hampton, were cleared of all charges as well.”

Yeah its been like three whole weeks now.

Holy cow! You really nailed em!

Got em!

Poor guy probably doesn’t even know how badly Tomi Lahren is going to EVISCERATE him on periscope today.