really disrespectful of them to do this while wearing a “patriots” jersey imo.
really disrespectful of them to do this while wearing a “patriots” jersey imo.
Technically, what she did was illegal. She and other protesters tore down a privately owned fence that was blocking off private property and then crossed onto privately owned land. That’s exactly what trespassing is. The land was not Native owned land. It was next to Native owned land.
When you expand the meaning of a word too much, it loses its original meaning. Is a cat call the same as dragging a gay man behind a pickup truck or burning a cross in someone’s yard? No? Then why would you call them the same thing?
The length of your hair is a choice for both males and females. That choice is removed from you in prison.
Military prison doesn’t let you do whatever you want? Shocking.
Fucking idiot. From almost being an escapee from the system designed to keep him poor and powerless to becoming another statistic of black male impotence because he acted exactly as The Man hoped he would.
Yeah, I don’t understand the hate expressed for certain places (such as the ENTIRE South) in so many articles here. I know that being biased against Southerners is one of the few “allowed” biases left (well, that and bias against overweight people), but come on, man. Give it a freaking rest.
You write great stuff most of the time. But this is tripe:
Guy is charged with seven felonies and no one’s burning his jersey and posting it online. Wonder why that is?
JK it’s because no one ever owned a Bruce Miller jersey.
Think he should skip footwear all together and focus exclusively on helmet manufacturing.
Hamilton Nolan will give them a chance to “tell their story.”
+1 AllLinesMatter
There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.
Mad props.
Yes it is, it’s a fantastic teaching mechanism.
I’ll believe it when they actually win the World Series
Oh sure, but Black Lives Matter isn’t? This is racism pure and simple. Everyone knows that it’s only bad when white people do it. BLM is funded by George Soros the Puppet Master so of course everyone just bows down to them.
*Controller Disconnected*
to piss you off, personally, livineasy629