Piston Slap Yo Mama

What you said: I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of his douche-mobiles. There’s far too many great alternatives to Tesla at this point, and I’m already guilty of enriching him with my purchase of a Tesla 15kw solar array a few years ago, a decision I now regret.

So the idea that a toxic, far-right fascist aligned CEO could drive away customers makes you “roll on the floor laughing”. Is it that you don’t know what the acronym stands for - or are you just a simple troll?

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Our boffins over at Mighty Car Mods stuffed a EZ36 flat-6 into a wagon just like this one, so if you’re willing to spend a few months wrenching on one you too could cosplay Marty.

A link to the BE-1 would be nice as it was accidentally omitted. 

Basically what I wrote but with more cursing.

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My primary rationale for an engine swap isn’t to put something unlikely under the hood. My list is HP, easy fitment, a big aftermarket and bullet proof reliability all of which are embodied in the LS.

Here I am, four years later stumbling across this old thread and wondering why there isn’t a commercially available Li-Ion IMA battery and reprogrammed BCM module available to upgrade these great cars. What’s out there at present is too hacked together and very hobbyist grade.

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I’ll buy a rusty Subaru Brat before I give a dime to far-right sociopath demagogue and white nationalist Elon Musk. 

Filmed in portrait? Are you F’n kidding me? Guy literally doesn’t know how to hold his phone to film in landscape.

How long until gen-z begins hanging their flat screen tvs on the wall sideways?

Only the most credulous of dunces is picking up the garbage you’re putting down. Cancun Cruz’s most notable accomplishments are ditching his constituents in a crisis while people were dying and being Trump’s groveling assclown despite the insults hurled at his own wife.

I’ll let you get back to watching One America.

As someone who may (or may not) have been forced to sign a Tesla NDA before they’d fucking fix their own broken shit, I agree. Too bad I can’t confirm that I’m also a victim of their shitty corporate tactics.

I’m truly sorry to be pedantic but you’ve committed my most disliked grammatical error: “I hope you think of what you could of had.”

Yes, she was striking - and totally cool with another NASA nerd asking if they can take a photo. Happily my wife pointed her out so it was all good.

A Ford Lima (Pinto) engine in an MGB, and a recent swap too? I’m nothing but puzzled. That only makes sense if the builder happened upon a nice MGB missing its engine and also had a rebuilt Pinto engine looking for a new home. Upside is he didn’t have to search for an adapter plate to bolt the 5-speed to a British

And yet the author of this story noted plainly seeing the Nazi tattoos on his 14" laptop screen.

Speak for yourself: I look at a person’s tattoos when I meet them, it’s their tl;dr Cliffs Notes as to who they are. I recently met an extraordinarily cool woman with a photorealistic tattoo of the Grumman produced lunar landing module on her shoulder and it galvanized my attention. You can F’ing bet my attention

Oh well. I guess it’s a state secret.

You didn’t answer my question. I guess I’ll never know the statute of limitations on relevant anecdotes.


The moral of this story according to you is: the past isn’t relevant if it’s older than X years/days/minutes. Tell me kind sir & defender of gangbangers, how far in my past am I allowed to comment on?

Nahh, you weren’t there and don’t know what facing down a tatted / roided gang banger is like. Additionally I used discretion and didn’t include his name. Also, I thought I’d check in on him again and found ANOTHER arrest from a few months ago for a shocking litany of crimes from felon with an unlicensed gun to