Piston Slap Yo Mama

And I can say “enjoy your time in prison dipshit” after this inbred shitweasel rear ended me with intentions of starting a fight - except that there were too many witnesses and I had the presence of mind to video him and his license plate before he fled. Turns out he already had an arrest warrant and my video of his

Another benefit is no goddamned parking lot door dings thanks to parking in the periphery. I owned my 1st gen green Insight for 13 years and sold it to its new owner with zero dings as a result of my desire to park and walk.

*Most* deaf people but the rest will be tazed according to your logic.

In regards to “situational awareness” it sounds like you’d be okay with tasering a deaf person because they didn’t respond to siren sounds as that’s a better outcome than shooting them? 

2 things about a road trip in the Lake District: how the F did Hammond NOT visit Uncle Monty’s cabin? Only a few months ago I, an American wanker of no repute made a religious trek there and stood on the same ground as Withnail and Marwood as they worked out their “food & fuel” situation.

That aside, I entirely agree

Dammit, now I’m an hour into reading that immense thread despite having a million tasks to complete today.

My neighbor’s a chemical engineer which made me give him more credit for acumen regarding the physical world than deserved. He had a nice early 10's manual shift Civic Si with a dead engine; I could never get a clear story from him about what he’d done I just know it was taken away on a flatbed to never return. What I

I’m a tree-hugging progressive and deeply lament that I gave Musk tens of thousands for our solar array. The experience was unsettlingly bad - and that was well before he publicly outed himself as a sociopathic fascist.

Damn skippy. A lawyer with a conscience. I’m currently paying a lawyer $400 an hour to fight a terrible injustice and you can bet he’s leaning into it.

Wypipo don’t know how rotten and corrupt the system is until they themselves fall prey to it which is rare compared to those of color. Otherwise, they’re the beneficiaries of the stochastic racism the current system represents.

A surprising % of the Jalop commentariat are basement dwelling cheapskates who think any car that isn’t borderline free is a crackpipe. They also like to make spurious statements like “for $x,xxx you could also get a xxxxx” which isn’t applicable to the person specifically looking for a certain car. My K20 swapped

Somehow, unimaginably omitted from this list, the Fiat Panda 4x4. Feast your eyes! Warning: the interior will give you a seizure!

This is a criminally forgotten Jalopnik article. 

My condolences and much empathy. I’d be tortured by that if I’d lost one of my best friends as I don’t have any family at all, just friends. Only nine months incarceration for carelessly taking a person’s life is an outrage.

Cyclists are feeling the pain everywhere, especially in NYC.  

Zero protection by the cops too. ACAB - this “accident” happened by my house, the guy was hit hard enough that the WHUMP I heard from my livingroom caused me to walk three houses down to see what it was. I was traumatized to see the dead man beyond any hope of help and a car stopped at least 100 feet away. A couple

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I’ll just shout the very obvious into the void: torrent it. If it’s old and forgotten then you have zero worries about downloading it. Honestly, it seems that the bottom rung skill set of obtaining & watching procured entertainment has vanished. I use a Synology NAS and a Mac Mini loaded with KODI for literally all my

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I’d nominate Empire of the Sun for inclusion, it’s a profound depiction of coming of age and loss as a prisoner of the Japanese at the outset of WW2. I’m no fan of Spielberg, but he occasionally nails it.

Instead of a bro-truck, the smalls might consider testicle tanning instead?

There’s a scene in Hal Hartely’s underrated genius film ‘Amateur’ where two mob accountants torture a bound man by poking electrical leads into his ears all while discussing what a good deal the Nissan Altima is.