I’m an end-user and by no means a mechanic, but I just turned 17K on mine, and though our guys have been swapping into the Exploders, I wouldn’t trade mine for anything less than The Tumbler. I love it. I drove an LT1 until some dipshit rammed me and totaled it in the 90s, and while it was fun, DAMN would it get you…
I like that kid. At 44, I’m starting to really value small glimmers of humanity out there. I took several years off after frying my last PC, then decided to go Xbox One for my fix a couple years ago. I mainly stick to Rocket League multiplayer these days, but I’m still finding myself unpleasantly surprised by some…
Plan A: Xbox One Everspace, Forza Horizons 3, and of course, the digital crackpipe that is Rocket League. The wife is at almost 1000 hours of RL, and I’m only a couple hundred hours behind her.
My wife has watched me and my two sons play video games for probably 13 years without so much as picking up a controller.
I’m 44 years old, gainfully employed, and driving fast is in my job description. Saw this trailer for the first time in the theater a while back and looked over at my wife, who rolled her eyes and whispered “Yes, I know. You’re dying to see it when it’s out.”
I wouldn’t hold my breath for them to switch voice actors for the main character. That’s the same cat that voiced Keith T. Maxwell in Galaxy On Fire 2. I agree he’s got a cheesy sound to him. For me, his accent, timbre, and tone are good, it’s his cadence and inflection that pours a whole can of corn on his dialogue.
I very much enjoyed your visit. Take care of yourself and get your ass back here soon.
Hey—stick around this joint, Doc.
I think the game that would draw me in is a Civ-style RTS/Survival title based on Seveneves. Start with the initial habitats in space, and progress to the endworld (trying to avoid spoilers). That story haunts me in the best and worst way possible.
Amen to that.
I drove one of these whales in the 90s, and heartily agree with the guy who posted the picture of the curved road and warning signs. Mine was the LT1 version, and hauled complete ass. Enough to get you wayyyy in over your head through the turns. It always felt like doing triple digits in a mid-size warship. Smoothly…
Cunty McCuntington here. The Hound will be on my desk next to Deadpool and the Stormtrooper Sergeant within three weeks. I also have a framed picture of Jack Nicholson with his face in the shattered door from “The Shining” next to my squad’s vacation calendar. Grownass man, Sergeant of Police, and not a single fuck do…