Rod Blackhurst and Brian McGinn’s Amanda Knox, premiering September 30 in theaters and on Netflix, is different from…
Rod Blackhurst and Brian McGinn’s Amanda Knox, premiering September 30 in theaters and on Netflix, is different from…
Sadly, the soul patch is least offensive part of that facial hair scheme.
Time was hockey players had good names like Wayne, Patrick and Pierre-Luc Letourneau-Leblond
I pray that Constandino beats the shit out of everyone else.
Is it Brecon like “reckon” or Brecon like “Recon”?
“Kaeden, get over here!”
Stephen A. Smith is the ultimate low-hanging fruit. His job is to be low-hanging fruit; just noticing anything he…
If I ever have a daughter, I would want to know that she can kill for domination, control, and humiliation if that's what she chooses.
Look Michael.
Puppy Bowl fever took over America today as millions of non-NFL fans and all three of the Green Bay Packers' fans…
By now, you've read or heard about Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston's explicit, detailed statement denying…
"Rape is a vicious crime. The only thing as vicious as rape is falsely accusing someone of rape," Winston said in the statement.
I'm incredibly impressed with this accuser. They've done everything to discourage, smear, and intimidate her and she's still going forward. Kudos.
In this modern day of spin, propaganda and partisanship, it's important to determine which news outlets you can…
i wanna read the goop post on this.
Cats have finally taken the first real step in progressing from "cute but demanding house pet" to "harbinger of…
Jessica, please consider this a request for an official Evening of Squee across all kinja platforms when this is over. With Denton's blessing, you get to scour the internet looking for nothing but things that are deliciously weird, delightfully heartwarming or just flat out fun.
On Monday, we posted an open letter to the management of Gawker Media, our parent company, regarding an ongoing…
"I see you tried to work behind the scenes to fix this problem and got stonewalled for months, but have you considered working behind the scenes to fix this problem?"