pissy ass

I don't see him getting the 2 weeks of tribute articles that Bowie is getting.

I grew up thinking Frey was the douchiest Eagle. Nope, Henley far out-douched him. Frey might not be Joe Walsh, but he was alright.

Yes. You have to be able to do the gravelly Kermit nerd yell towards the end of "Do Ya".

I hate liars, cheats, and fake people. Loving life, and I like to laugh! And don't be a fuckboy!

But when he threatened your life, with a..

And bitches be shoppiiiiin'!!!


Isn't that maybe more offensive? Coupled with the name and the Africa emblazoned across his back?

It gets hits. Because it's difficult to find intelligible dialogue on the subject across the interwebbins 'n such.

I don't love Taker, but yr absolutely right. Joe is right though about Spirit Squad, that was about the only thing I enjoyed from that period. I could barely stand those days and usually just caught the big PPVs.

Not crap, slop!


So long as your Orton is Nikki Bella. Because Paige's mic work is far superior. She's great in the ring too. The only reason she's not running the thing is her backstage antics and general immaturity because she's goddamn what, 23 years old?

But it's a tables match! Which they totally haven't put eachother through already!

They had to split their genes with another sentient being and still individually have more natural charisma than their douche jock cousin champion.

As a non follower of the indie scene, I'm just of the opinion that the talent scout in me sees Kevin Whatever and Dean Ambrose as the brightest talents no matter what they do so I root for them.

What makes you say that? Landing on her head from the top rope out of a reverse hurracarana?

Yeah it'll be a while before Big Show is on the 'ballot'.

He dove off the cage with an elbow in a Raw match against Bray Wyatt. I was impressed, given his age.

Turks, are jerks!