pissy ass

Arian Foster of the NFL had a 30 minute show devoted to his atheism on ESPN. And that's about it. I am pretty sure he's not a dick about it. He's grossly outnumbered so he probably can't be.

I never realized until now how perfect Jar Jar's teeth were. I wonder what the diet is for his race of reptilian humanoid.

You didn't laugh at Luke's NOOO face on Elvis Presley?

Congrats on having a 'classic album cover', Imagine Dragons. Too bad it's wrapped around an aural pile of wet garbage.

Umm is there ANY vocal atheist politician? Jesse Ventura?

One of the weakest B sides. Million Dollar Question much better. Also, most of those former fans dropped off after HTTT, and KOL took care of the rest of them. Good Riddance, and fuck you.

There are front half fans too. I love Magpie, album version especially. Codex just seems like a Pyramid Song retread to me.

the worms will come for you

Nah, it just gave up.

WWE doctors are not allowed to clear Bryan until the show producers no longer have to edit out the booing of Roman Reigns.

That's how I feel about the Dudleys. I smile dumb every time they go for the WHATTHHHHHAAAAAP head butt.

UGH. That makes sense. I hope you're right, that will at least be before the fall, correct? I have no idea how long a Sunny season lasts.


Probably the best RR mic spot I've seen, by far, yes.

Well, maybe if he didn't jiggle like like a jello mold during his 'victory laps', Vince would give him a stronger push!

In the never ending quest to get over a hand picked guy with NO mic charisma, Vinny is gonna ruin the Royal Rumble.

Yes, would someone please verify this? It sounded to me like it could be anytime in 2016, meaning if we DON'T get it in January-ish, it's liable to be the goddamn Fall before we get it!

Frisky Dingo. Best little treasure of quotable silliness nobody ever saw.

Happy Neu! Year to all bipedal automatons.

Barabbas probably WAS Justin Beiber.