pissy ass

And yet they kinda are.

Director related bias.

I felt the same about the last two Sonic Youth albums. Rather Ripped and The Eternal aren't edgy by SY standards but the spirit and the song writing is there. Of course, I guess I don't have that problem with SY anymore.. :(

She gets points from me for her video from high school doing Karma Police at what I assume is the talent show with two fellow nerds. Almost a lifetime pass, but I haven't heard a song of her's other than Tik Tok that I can stand.

Luke's bendin' over, so Luke's gettin' fucked.

Ouch. Geesh, when you put it that way I kinda hope she was getting raped.

I also believed Anita Hill, but my gut tells me that Ke dollar sign ha isn't lying. At least not completely. Is getting out of a musical contract truly worth falsifying rape allegations?

I find that offensive, sir, because I do know the love that Trey and Matt put into their product, and I see it and laugh just at things like how PC Principal gets animated. I find clever satire in it. South Park is obviously not for you, and your ideas of what they should be tackling show that. I'm sorry you're mad

Isn't that heretical to utter in your church?

Next time I hear "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oates I'll enjoy it a little more knowing it's a slice of hell for you and what I assume are many of your 20 something contemporaries. I'm 35.

I put it just below Sly and Syd Barrett. Specifically, Thank You Fa Lettin' Me Be Mice Elf Again, and a huge swath of Piper At The Gates of Dawn.

If he wasn't ACTUALLY privy to the question, which he may well have been, it's not like he, as a very, very rich, long time politician, doesn't have advisors aplenty that prepare him for potential 'zingers'.

Yes. Trump isn't Lindsey Graham, for Christ's sake.

Is there something bad on tap for tomorrow? Never forget God Hates Us All.

Just like Tom Brady and Deflategate!

That's the new slang for homosexual female?

I'm going on faith here, but I doubt Thurston said he expects no public comment. He's a pretty smart guy. And it seems like a measured, territorial, defensive response. Isn't it better that he DIDN'T ignore it forever?