pissy ass

Goddamnit, if you bastards cursed Tony Iommi, there will be hell to pay. You know all these bands end up dying in the wrong order.

And the notion of a new Tool album is actually a complete ruse.

How does Red Lobster factor into that?

Ah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?

I would consider having a vaginoplasty to get lezzy with her. If she requested.

Not only was that automatically one of the funniest things I've seen, this AV thread set it up perfectly.

Add It Up is mine. Kiss Off if they have it which, no, they never do.

And 75 percent of the noise in the crowd would have been supporting Rollins the whole time. Maybe more.

Being in Texas AND all, I thought this was the preeminent spot for Undertaker to retire. But against somebody stealing his spotlight, and technically a non-wrestler? They gotta build this up in a hurry. OR Undertaker just doesn't retire, which I think is more likely.

I've seen 4 episodes of NXT and I already hate Enzo. He's obnoxious on the mic and insufferable in the ring.

Mr. Ed flew a plane once.

Wellstone was murdered!

Wade Barrett as a manager. Hahaha.

The moonsault vs the shooting star press, in a race to see who breaks their neck first!

My finger point!

Well shit, Metroid 2 was also amazing, Super Mario Land was pretty awesome as singular as it was in the Mario series, Kirby got his start there..

Alas, Max Moon ran out of oxygen.

Vince wouldn't even be out there if they weren't trying every cheap trick they could to make people like a guy who can't finish a sentence properly and has two looks, angry and dismissive.

Owens has range in his emotion, and you can believe him when he talks. Natural affable charisma. Unlike that guy who says you can believe him all the goddamn time.

The desperation to make Reigns a top star just reeks through everything! That was the FIRST time I can remember saying that a segment with Vince and Steph was AWFUL. Triple H did well.