
I can guarantee you I’m about to hear that terrible phrase in, let’s say, about 40 minutes in my next meeting. Luckily it’s a web call, but I still have to control what would otherwise be a visibly annoyed reaction when it is uttered.

We have company t-shirts that say “grok” on them. I have never heard anybody in my company say that word, thankfully, but I do see it all too often. It’s enough to fill my annoyance meter right quick.

“Noodle on it” as a prompt to collaboratively think on and solve a problem.

Agreed. I’m in a very difficult spot with Mr. PissReekingOcelot at the moment, and it’s definitely being made more challenging by the fact that he’s not giving me what I say I need, the way I need it. I think we’re both right and wrong on this: yes, he should respect what I need, but I also need to be better about

100% agreed. I’ve experienced, too many times, instances of harassment that left me unable to do anything at all - if I said anything, I was the one in jeopardy, not the person committing the act. I may be in almost slightly better financial shape than living paycheck to paycheck, but not by much, and I couldn’t ever

I love the laziness of this attempt. It’s like the person cut the cardboard reasonably well and then just said ‘fuck it’ in terms of making it look like a plate. I mean, hell, it’s not even the right color writing for the plate number!

Mind. Blown.

Omg this host. I think this is a strong use case for “bless his heart.”

I want, no, maybe it’s need, to know more about the mayor’s cat sending someone death threats. One of my cats is close to acquiring this skill, and I have to know the repercussions when she finally does master it.

I would be so damn proud to drive my dogs around in this thing, with them looking all pimped out riding in style. I’ll bare knuckle box you for this baby.

I can’t even tell you the amount of times this one has almost wrecked me. It’s flat out terrifying when it happens when I’m on my motorcycle, and the drivers where my motorcycles lives (Vermont) are big fans of being way over polite on this one.

Your name. That GIF. You own my heart.

Thank you for the delightful reminder of the term fartface. I need to work that into more conversations. Mostly with clients.

Omg. That paint scheme is my unicorn. And why I can never forgive someone I know who bought one of his unforgivable sin to repaint it.

Thinking back to my days in restaurants, I was so young I actually thought it was just normal in the working world. What a mindfuck that set me up for.

Seems legit.

That is absolutely gorgeous. Those wheels, the holes in the fairings (cooling? aero? who cares - awesome!), the instrument cluster...it’s all so damn pretty. A friend of mine (ok, he’s an associate now - you’ll see why in a second) got an old Honda sport bike, the black/purple/green one, a while back. Perfect paint,

Seriously. I had no patience for this bitch before but now she cut off Tom fucking Brokaw? Nope nope nope.

Do you not understand that being a police officer is a choice, while being African American is, well, just who people are? How is it even possible to try to make an equivalency statement on this?