
This is amazing news. Mr. PissReekingOcelot likely suffers from CTE and if we could just get a damn diagnosis, at least we’d finally have some sense of...well, anything that isn’t a flaming wildcard. May not make the inevitable better, but it’s such a necessary step.

...I remember that moment fondly as it was about 10 seconds ago, reading your post...

I’m working on the design of courses in a data science program, and learning more about just how data can be used and manipulated has gotten me invested in tinfoil stock.

This. Whatever it is, it’s goddamn majestic.

You’re 100% correct, and the NFL is absolutely not the only organization who should be showing their care on this one. However, they also have a pretty lousy track record of even acknowledging it’s a real issue, and they have all the money. Yes, soccer is likely a worse culprit in some ways, and the scope of what

Given that the *only* current method for diagnosing CTE is to autopsy the brain of someone who died and indicated they were willing to have their brain studied after their death, I’d say a lot more money. No, I can’t quantify this number - not a doctor - but I do have some sense that this is quite clearly not enough.

Considerably more than this. Considering they’re literally enabling repeated traumatic brain injuries with no significant concern for what that does to a human, this is chump change.

It’s particularly funny when someone misspeaks and others think that indicates anything other than human error!

Why thank you, kind sir and/or madam, for your corrections. Deeply appreciated.

3t, oops. Whatever it was with the t. He swore at it a lot, and it was dead after 3 months of use.

I’ve got a Pixel now and I like it, but I still really want some degree of choice. What a bummer!

Mr. PissReekingOcelot had a OnePlus 5t and had a ton of issues with it. Mind you, he has a lot of issues with basically anything with a computer chip in it, but it still made me hesitant to try it. Plus, it seems like the camera isn’t all that great, which is a definite issue for me.

I’ve been a Nexus/stock Android customer from the very beginning, and I really wanted to buy into the Essential. Finally, it seemed like I was going to have another option. But nope, not even close. This is a total shitshow and I’m so bummed about it!

I freaking hate that shit.

I always use the “because you’re an idiot” line on Mr. PissReekingOcelot, and even though he doesn’t get it at all, I always feel like I’ve won for having used it. This reboot can go straight to hell; the original was perfect.

I park my motorcycle over the winter and dread what fun mice have had with it - that’s typically 5 months. I shudder to think what’s happened to this poor lil fella in the amount of time it’s been sitting.

Yes, let’s legitimize discrimination. Great choice, asshat. What a fucking idiot.

A star isn’t sufficient on this one. I would give you a dirigible but my last one went out yesterday.

Uh...maybe the issue clearly presented in the article? We can expand, if you like, to discuss things like bathroom bills, etc.

You believe the removal of LGBT rights aren’t an important issue? Ok then. That’s cool.