
Well, this is kind of correct. The numbers tell us that if you build a xxMW wind turbine out at sea (assuming you have placed it in an area known to have good wind) you can expect to get an average of 0.40*xx MW or maybe just a little bit more. You will not get anywhere near 1.0 capacity factor, but that's probably

If that is the extent of your nerdiness, I'm calling you out for not being nerdy. Knowing what something is called is easy.

Ummmm... Can we do the sanity check before we post? Although the Pope, when addressing the laity most likely does refer to the God of the Bible, you need not be a Christian or even believe in any sort of god to understand the concept of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and over-all Sovereign being. If you want

Obligatory Reductio-Ad-Absurdum reply:

Not that you're necessarily wrong, but as a Calvinist I have rarely, if ever, met a fellow congregant who believed in demonic possession. Otherwise this is a solid critique.

Ummmm....yep. Not AirPlay. Moving on...

Holy Crap, Seriously?

Uh...C'mon, guys, can't you at least try to read the brief? It only takes a couple seconds.

If everyone's assumptions here are correct (sure, let's assume that...) then obviously it isn't a new idea. You can do this in Grooveshark...kind of. What this is really similar to is the Ubuntu One music store. Buy a song and it's available in your Ubuntu One account for streaming to your Android phone.

I thought it was a hoary old trope that what we perceive as beauty may just be the average appearance. Why the surprise that these pictures seem attractive?

Seriously. I don't care about the TouchPad/iPadG1 comparison. You're basing your conclusions on a first impressions "review" in which the "reviewer" didn't even get to touch the hardware, and based on hardware that won't be released (read: is still undergoing development) for several months.

Let me summarize: "The phone isn't too small for me, but it's probably too small to use, because I used it for 5 minutes and I could use it but maybe someone else won't be able to."

It isn't going to get my vote unless it isn't a ClickPad, or unless Synaptics decides to better-support the ClickPad on Linux.

@m57: I don't agree with his practices, nor do I often agree on his stances, but O'Reilly there seems to be implying something more far-reaching than just one natural occurrence. He's looking at all of the natural cycles around us and asking how it is you could end up with a world where everything works so well

@goo2: Fair enough, but that doesn't stop people from naively thinking this is good design. Sadly.

@Michael Chen: This is not strictly true either. In most cases restrictions on size have nothing to do with restrictions on power. Wind turbines scale power with size remarkably well.

I recently retired my hotmail account (which I hadn't been using for several years, but was linked to my gmail.) Interestingly the one thing that I never managed to stop was bulk messages from Microsoft (e.g. Bing, Explore Windows, Windows Live Services, etc.)

The Japanese really must have a dim view of grocery customers. Hint: there's a number on your apples, and you can type it in to choose the right apples.

I can't see why anyone would pay a dollar for a weather app that doesn't tell you anything except for the current temperature. This is dumb. Stop reporting on dumb, shiny things.