
@mrm: While I appreciate your skepticism (I myself dislike this design for multiple reasons), I think you are partially mistaken.

@SkipErnst: Well, that might solve the cost inefficiency problem.

There's a reason they make wind turbines 80m tall with 40m-radius blades. It's because it is much more cost-effective then building 50 smaller, variously-sized, shrouded turbines.

a.) Pi is used for things other than circles, and even if it is being used for circles, replacing pi with 2*pi is no less arbitrary and no less elegant.

Seriously. This is what passes for mindblowing?

This does work, at least initially. However, if you ever use an app you'll have to disable HTTPS, at least for now.

agh! extra-long lead pic makes article seem unnecessarily important!

I know, I know, it's cool looking and everything. Still, I have an overwhelming feeling that what you are seeing as "intergalactic" is just the HDR making this look like a computer render.

@Doople: If there's anyone you should trust less than Assange with your secrets, it would be his legal/PR team (assuming that isn't him).

OK, admittedly this thing is really pretty in a stark, minimalist way.

Just curious, why is it assumed that your family will disapprove of what you do? Are we all just living in antithesis to our parents' ways of life? Should we be?

@tidymaze: Exactly. I KNEW I wasn't the only sane person in the world...

@DJGyarados: I'm sure your proxies appreciate that.