
But sadly, 20-something bigots are protected, and I’m not talking about the right here.

It feels like when people argue over which gaming console, or car make is better. You cant just disagree and maybe discuss an argument. Someone has to be a clear victor and the other is obviously missing key parts of their brain ( or other insults). There is no middle ground.

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

Exactly. That should be their top priority. Get rid of the fucking clickbait articles. Not sitting around trying to determine what sites are “fake” news (ie news they don’t agree with politically).

Wow you people really are a bunch of fucking babies. Its not offensive. Get over it.

Why would anyone “in the know” use this over an emulator which has been able to do this (at least for NES games) for like 20 years?

Assholes like me I guess. And now I know who the assholes are that think people eating soylent are assholes.

I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.

I can’t read the article because your link doesn’t work (and I can’t find it on the Cell Chemical Biology site), but if they’re just making a spectrum image from EELS data then this is hardly the “first color image ever produced by an electron microscope.” False colored spectrum images (some at atomic resolution) are

I agree that the comment from razer could be viewed as juvenile or offensive but I think your off base with calling it sexist and homophobic. Could assassin of explained that better? Probably, but your reply dropped you to a juvenile “I know you are but what am I” level as well. I enjoyed (and agreed with most) the

I’m a big fan of Gizmodo but I do not enjoy the perspective of this article. Is there a way to un-follow just your writing on this website but still receive the rest of the feed?

Seriously that’s your response? I don’t think it’s really overly sexist or homophobic either, juvenile and inappropriate for a company trying to move into the professionals market. But while we are on the topic, I also feel bad for anyone who had to be romantically involved with you, because you’re ugly.

Ad hominem and lame response. But that’s ok since Gawker Media is just a blogging platform and not a actually journalism, except when you all decide it is.

I am so sorry that you felt the need to belittle someone who simply disagreed with you and asked for a clarification on the reasoning behind your statement. Not a very professional way to approach a reply. If anything it’s as juvenile as the Razer tweet.

I’m afraid you’re the only one that sees it that way.

I think it’s trying to be clever and referencing the included SD slot, which is absent on the new MacBook Pro.

You forgot that it is 2016 and everything is sexist and homophobic, though I must give -1000 points to the “writer” for not including that it was also a racist tweet, because 2016.

the tweet isn’t just juvenile, it’s sexist and homophobic.