
clickbait title. It’s a trademark, not patent, and the filing of that trademark has nothing to do with blue apron dropping in valuation. It’s the fact that amazon is getting into the space. That’s it.

Thank you.

They really couldn’t just remove the strings before spray painting?

you misread my comment. it was a reply to someone telling me to drink ensure.

you are incorrect, but thanks for the feedback.

sounds like you enjoy complaining about what other people do. Whatever floats your boat i guess.

You mean about 8 handfuls of almonds to get the same protein as in one bottle, dummy.

lunch lunch

0 protein in that meal, but thanks for trying.

I do have a connection to food and enjoy it thoroughly, but during the day I don’t often have the luxury of stopping what I’m doing to prepare and eat a meal. That’s my only real reason for drinking it. Quick and easy.

because there’s a fuckton of sugar in it and i’d need to drink 2.

Haters gonna hate. I drink soylent for lunch maybe 4 times a week for lunch. It’s convenient and I actually enjoy the taste. Stop trying to call everyone who does something you don’t a “bro”.

Seems like you left out something that is very useful. Tracking lost kids and helping them reunite them with parents?

Totes. It was in issue #45 of the Nights of Future Present. His half sister (from Wolverine and Phoenix) talked to Apocalypse’s uncle and was able to get a mind erasing magnet. She used it on Cable to help get him back on the side of Stryfe some time after the 42nd century but before the 49th century.

So then you must not have a degree in Internet commenting, correct?

Agreed, but I’m not talking about other instances. I’m referring to this specific instance. To be clear, I’m not supporting or opposing any political views. Just this example.

The point I’m trying to make is, so what? His sexual preferences/fetishes aren’t important as long as he’s not doing something against someone’s will. To me, this is along the lines of trying to out someone for being gay or a media circus when some celeb bangs a transexual.

In all seriousness, who gives a fuck if that’s what he’s into?

well put.

C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!