Pip Savage

Whenever Spock is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Spock?”

Every episode of this show feels like it moves at warp 9, but with a drunk Ensign Crusher at the helm. Except for the Beta Quadrant episode (which I had hoped would be a turning point) Disco never seems to give the audience a chance to relax and simply immerse themselves in Star Trek for a minute or two.  The show is

Handlen’s put in the work on Trek here for almost a decade and done a fantastic job. You don’t like it, scamper off to reddit or something to feel better about yourself.

Crazy, isn’t it? It’s almost like I’m doing exactly what you are with this “counterreview” you’re trying to do here to de-legitimize Zack’s take. Get over yourself, crazy person.

Your takes on Discovery are quite insane. The show you’re describing is not the one that exists. Are you watching it with fantasy goggles on or something?

Can we please get another series next season, instead of this half-baked crap? I know you can find something that isn’t a vacant nostalgia-milking cash grab for this show to be about, Star Trek, I believe in you.

Aw, the reviewer isn’t an ass-sucking sycophant fanboy and your ass is all burned and chafed?

I’m not sure what’s worse, that you wrote this stupid thing or that at least ten people starred it, thinking it’s some kind of clever insight.

Well, I’d really like to watch the show you’re watching, because the one on my TV just isn’t very good.

A time travelling species in mech suits, interfering with the fate of lesser species bay appearing as angelic figures. Exclusive never before seen footage below:

It sounds like you’re watching a cereal product - sci fi is meant to be challenging, not comfort food.

Haha. No shit. Well put. Poetjunkie IS watching a different show... he’s just watching it alone. Glad he likes it, though.

It sounds like you’re watching The Expanse.

Yeah, this episode was dull. Mostly because Kelpians are dull. The Ba’ul (which is totally a Stargate-sounding name) had such an elaborate scheme for suppressing the Kelpians.

So far, Discovery has challenged very little, except coherence.

GR was demoted on the film series to “Executive Consultant” but was a regular presence on Next Generation until his health prevented him from doing so. The notion that he was “fired” from Next Gen is pure fiction.

To be fairer, the likes of Wrath of Khan and Voyage Home were big hits and among the top earners in the years of their release. In a word: mainstream. Next Generation got great TV ratings despite being syndicated. Is Star Trek less popular than Star Wars and Marvel? Sure, but so is everything.

Some rich person needs to step up and buy the franchise from CBS. They don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

Well that’s it, this show’s gorn.