Pip Savage

The Rotten Tomatoes score refers to reviews of the first two (or first four) episodes. Critics (and many fans) soured on the first season as it went on - including Kinja reviewers. Entertainment Weekly concluded “the lame finale took the franchise backwards.” The opening episodes are not an indicator of later quality,

More to the point, NBC didn’t think his mistress was talented enough for a major role.

The notion that Number One was rejected by NBC on sexist grounds is another myth put forward by Roddenberry. The real reason is that NBC didn’t think Majel Barrett was good at acting.

Oh, what you’re doing is reciting those popular Last Jedi rants on Youtube, you’re not actually describing the film itself - common misconception.

There are a number of Starfleet admirals and officers in the Next Generation who are ethically questionable, although most appear after Roddenberry was incapacitated.

Except fans often exaggerate the optimism of Star Trek and overlook the considerable number of morally questionable Starfleet personnel to be found in Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Undiscovered Country, Insurrection, Into Darkness, Beyond ...

Yeah, it’s funny to see people whose lives are so dominated by social media get threatened by an episode of Seth MacFarlane TV - I guess he’s doing something right, heh. But the author of this AV review saying the episode doesn’t “contribute to the space adventure” is laughable, as so much of the original Star Trek

50 years of Star Trek is 50 years of continuity “errors.” Fans of a more intellectual, philosophical bent don’t harp on this stuff so much - it’s not what truly matters in these stories. As for Sarek, his harshness is not notably inconsistent with a Sarek ten years younger than the Sarek broadcast in 1967. Maybe Ms.


The thing is, Mr. Handlen isn’t even doing a convincing job of complaining like a Trekkie- the Kirk-era Enterprise, as seen on The Animated Series, does indeed contain the equivalent of a holodeck- look it up. Most of the gripes about Discovery, from numerous outlets, come across as unfair ... which leads me to think

Serialized television is a disease! Star Trek: Discovery has lost its soul! Must everything written by Trendacosta be histrionic, hyperbolic, clickbait balderdash?

Both Deep Space Nine (and even Enterprise) saw our protagonists compromise morality during wartime. Discovery is taking it much further, and more in line with the realities of wartime. But I’ve seen nothing that suggests the writers are trying to justify Lorca’s actions - if anything, it looks like he’s being set up

On a related note - many of Roddenberry’s more extremist utterances (on the future, utopia, and such) came from the 1980s when he was suffering from multiple forms of dementia. Much of what he says during The Next Generation era should be taken with a huge bucket of Rigelian salt. And while Roddenberry might be the

The name of the film is ‘Star Trek Nemesis.’ There is no colon. IMDB and Wikipedia have it wrong. Likewise with ‘Star Trek Generations.’ But ‘Star Trek: First Contact’ and ‘Star Trek: Insurrection’ do have colons. The Memory Alpha website lists these titles correctly, if you doubt me.

Romulus was destroyed in 2387. ‘Nemesis’ takes place earlier in 2379. So nothing quite ‘hysterical’ there.