
some people just get really obedient, obliging kids. They're out there. I have one that is like that and one who treats every day/issue/situation like he is William Wallace and I'll never defeat him. It's like those people with naturally bouncy hair, it's out there, but we just didn't get it.

When my son was about 15 or 16 months old (and I was in full time grad school etc.and tired), every time I sat down he would come toddling up to me holding out his favorite book, which I hated, for some reason - Peter Pan by Walt Disney. Same book over and over. And I would say quietly 'Oh Shit' and then I would pull

I find that being a parent leaves you under constant scrutiny. and my husband says "we men get off so easy." because if you're even around your kid as a dad, you're a "good dad." But, you know, whatever a mother is or is not doing is under constant criticism.

Once you stop worrying about it, it basically becomes a

if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm extending. I don't need his permission to do anything.

I wanted to say something longer or more emphatic. When the in-laws (or, God forbid, my parents) say something about how he won't "let" me do something, I feel the overwhelming need to show everyone that, if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm

any future offspring may well get my last name to prove I can.

I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.

That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm


Congratulations on challenging the stereotype and getting yourself promoted on merit! Your daughter is very lucky to have a Mum who supports her. I know the reason I have the attitude and confidence that I have now is because my parents always supported my choices, and stood up for me when family/friends suggested I

I want to star both of these comments a thousand times. This has always been my attitude, and it's what i teach my daughter. If someone is going to write me off based on my appearance, I don't want them in my life anyway, even as an employer. I even managed to keep my eyebrow piercing when my retail employer changed

The second sounds completely plausible to me. Someone joked about MRA/PUA types having GoogleAlerts to XOJane and Jez and similar sites' posts about women actually having preferences about who they'd like to date, and all of a sudden the fact that they seem to regularly sniff out and storm those posts like a

Don't worry, sir. A cop heard about this YMCA mix-up and is on his way to assist. He's bringing back-up.

So he can't tell US-born children apart from undocumented child immigrants?

Who are these people who actually feel the need to report a photo because they don't approve of the subject's body? I'd really love to know what makes them think their taste is the Gold Standard for attractiveness, and everyone who doesn't fit into that box should be hidden from human eyes.

I also have to wonder, too, if this is all our parents' generation talking, and they're not the only ones hiring anymore. I know so many successful people in many fields with tattoos and piercings and just, no one gives a shit. I mean, how can anyone care if such a huge percentage of the population has tattoos?

Haha I wouldn't call it "creative" exactly — I work in Corporate Legal Publishing as a Senior Editor.

This reflects so much on the viewers and their hangups. If you are so offended, you can just look away, but you claim to need these images to be removed so you can't look at them.

for the most part. Occasionally it's a super hot minority woman, or heavily tattooed woman that people just can't handle. Heaven help us if they hit the magic trio- plus sized, super gorgeous, and tattooed. Get the fans! Someone may pass out! Had one of those last week- face like Rhianna, more tattoos than actual skin

And before people start computer-splaining about how these companies use an automated system to deal with reports, you can hold your breath. We already know. That system is fucked up. If companies like Facebook can manage to come up with software that knows to spam you with ads for baby clothes right at the time you

Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.