
It’s Pennsylvania. Every one of the cretins in this building should be held responsible.

I blame the kids, and the coaches, and the parents. Then the refs.

In 2017, I believe we call this sort of tone “presidential.”

There’s a salary floor in the NFL of 90% of the salary cap (averaged over 4 years--so you can spend 88/89/91/92, for example). So if they’re well below the cap then there’s no reason not to burn money as they are doing here.

Tomorrow night the back of the poor fellow’s uniform will just say “Lee.”


For a bleeding heart, commie, pinko liberal, you sure can write about boxing.

I think wolves are very familiar with the concept of “a neck” as “a thing you bite that makes the neck’s owner die.”

Al Davis is clawing his way out of the grave to draft this guy.

Good show.

What this reminded me of:

Whoa now. Polian built the Bills team that went to 4 straight Super Bowls, and 5 of 6 Conference Championships. He was really, really good at his job.

The price of admission is 100 percent to the GM, 100 percocet to the owner.

this is pretty much a lawyer’s job... on the list of people to be angry at in rape trials, defense attorneys should probably be low on the list.

What an empty threat. Cuban would’ve tried to communicate with the millenials the way he knew how - on Dirt or Glitter or whatever the fuck it’s called - and not a single person would’ve ever seen it.

A dude who was blocking my parking space told me to “kick rocks.” I was furious. It’s an effective escalator.

That doesn’t just “sound expensive” it is expensive. I can tell you right now, if uber switched to a monthly payment plan like a cell provider, I would be switching over to lyft in a hart beat. I can imagine a good number of other people would do the same. I would imagine a large number of people only use uber a few

I get a good laugh whenever people claim that Uber is more dangerous than taxis. I’ve had experiences in cabs with drunk/sleepy drivers, coked out drivers, creepy old men, drivers who are smoking, etc. On more than one occasion I’ve had to ask a cab driver to pull over and let me out and then call another cab. And the

Well said.