
Samir. Samir Nahh-gon-work-here-anymore.

Aghhh! Dude, trigger warning please. I just hurled bisque all over my fuckin’ keyboard!

OK, I’ll be that guy:

Maybe now he’ll be able to refurbish that can.

Let me check my little red book...hmmm- no.

You are correct, that is a really stupid theory.

A) That’s not what racism is. People have been butchering Krzyzewski’s name for years, and that’s not racist either. Not everything in the world is racist.

It’s always dangerous to pass to the sweeper.

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

She did not request any payment from the athletes, saying that she “just wanted to protect them” from losing their money

They’re bad takes. There was absolutely no need for him to knock that girl out. It doesn’t matter what she said, and her physicality presented zero threat to him.

I’m not sure waht are you angyr about?

Walloping on the guy? Are you fucking serious? She shoved him, then got knocked out by a haymaker from someone twice her size. Your take is total bullshit, and you should be fuckin’ ashamed of yourself.

Lets put this in language an animal like you would understand: If i witnessed you for instance knock out that girl, you would be fucking lucky to get carried out alive. ANY man worth his shit shouldn’t rise to that even if she pulled a closed fist, or a bunch of them for that matter. Your parents did a top notch

It is pretty black and white to me. If the dude can withstand 6'4" 300 pound beheamouths trying to kill him on a weekly basis he can probably handle a slap from a 5'7" fake tittied drunk Oklahoma girl.

Meh I don’t know the dude is a ripped athlete. I’ve had multiple (usually drunk) women hit me and never felt the need to knock one the fuck out. If he grabbed her arms or something to keep her from hitting him whatever I could get behind him, but come on. Short of her brandishing a weapon that reaction was way

This scandal represents the first time anyone has ever received useful information from sports radio.

So this is where the buck stops.

There’s an army of self-serious football broadcasters and pundits that would have you believe a player publicly disagreeing with his coaches is an act of treason, and yet the Seahawks are over here with a cornerback who will argue with his head coach on the sideline, a receiver who will flip off his coordinator from

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