
I’m really getting tired of you posting reasonable comments here. I mean, how are people supposed to be outraged when you’re going around trekking people to wait for evidence? (And yeah, Gasser seems to have a bit of an anger issue...)

Dying on the cross of Mike Brown is a terrible argument to make in regards to justice not being done. The narrative didn’t fit anything in the forensic reports.

All the physical evidence supported Darren Wilson’s story. Stop peddling a false narrative.

If you add meat to a grilled cheese it ceases to be a grilled cheese sandwich and is simply a sandwich. Kinda destroying the whole point.

get the fuck outta here

Blasphemy. Apples do not belong on grilled cheese.

The only thing missing from this “fight” is someone throwing a glass of Chardonnay.

There are prostitutes that don’t go down as easily as soccer players.

Shaw isn’t even in the conversation. And even Lucic and Marchand don’t come close to the piece of shit that is, Evander Kane.

The difference with Phaneuf is that his own teams’ fans don’t like him, rather than the other way around with these other guys.

How dare you not mention those throbbing assholes Antoine Roussel and Alex Burrows.

I think Kesler is in the running, too... as well as Phaneuf.

nobody out-unlikables marchand (who I noticed for some reason did not receive a nickname in your comment...)

I live in California, Criminal Justice reform was on the ballot in SEVERAL measures. Keap’s stupid ass didn’t even vote. How does he think change occurrs in democracy? He’s a loser with no plan that’s in WAY over his head.

Even though I agree with what he claims to be fighting for, I just can’t take CK seriously anymore.

He murdered tons of people, but because he’s left of center I’m going to defend him!

But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via proxy here brought vast advances in literacy, health care, and overall quality of life to Cuba despite the crushing force of an embargo by the world’s most powerful economy

Don’t forget gays sent to labor camps.

I’m bringing the hottest takes on the internet and making no apologies.

You know, I never, ever (never say never) thought I would say this, but I’m proud of TP right now. Lose with class that’s what we do right at least. First call out the management for ruining QBs lives and then congratulate the opposition. We have that going for us at least.