
Again, multiple investigations concluded on the basis of the testimony of multiple witnesses that Mike Brown attacked the police officer. Please don’t believe that if you do the same your skin color will save you from being shot. It’s a terrible thing that happened, but based on the evidence, I don’t think it’s fair

Yeah, I don’t think MLK or Gandhi would agree. I hope you never need the police to help you from the “peaceful protest” of someone stealing your stuff, breaking all the windows in your house, and burning it down because they’re upset about something you had nothing to do with.

Not sure what your point about false equivalence is. I don’t excuse Nazi symbols on monuments and headstones at all. But looting isn’t an appropriate response to anything. It’s just theft from small business owners who have nothing to do with injustice against anyone. Also, do you disagree with the conclusions of

Sorry to be that guy, but yeah, he didn’t do that on purpose. He wanted to throw it low and outside Wiggins ankle, but he pushed it a little bit and ended up going 5-hole. Still a great play, but cool out with the “no one else would even think to do that” takes because he didn’t think to do it either.

Yes, nationalizing and socializing everything always makes it better. Like in Venezuela

“Reasonable” is used a bit freely here. What should a “reasonable” person’s reaction be to multiple invasions to “drive the Jews into the sea,” decades of terrorism deliberately aimed at civilians, multiple rejections of land for peace deals that included an autonomous Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the

Translation: you have no patience for anything except the total acceptance of the Palestinian viewpoint without any mention of Jews living in the region for thousands of years, multiple invasions to try to drive them into the sea, decades of terrorist attacks aimed at civilians, the repeated rejection of land for

The full violent force of the state was directly solely at black people seeking justice for Mike Brown.

Any room in your “appropriate frame” for knife attacks, rocket attacks, truck attacks, suicide bombings, bus bombings, tunneling underground to murder Israelis indiscriminately, etc?

Dolan sucks, but are we sure he’s wrong about this? I’m reminded of when Skip Bayless was making pre-draft comments about Johnny Manziel having a substance abuse problem. A lot of people (including me) blew it off because Skip Bayless is an asshat - turns out he was on to something. No matter how much you hate

Great to see that you’re literally wrong about everything Albert. He might not be a great GM (although he sure wasn’t wrong about that Porzingis pick, and I think he just wants Anthony to waive his no-trade clause so he can build around KP) but he was a great coach. Balanced huge egos and got players like Rodman who

Hahaha seriously? That’s a tad melodramatic, no? Take a deep breath. The schools will be open tomorrow.

These stories always mystify me. Why do a group of presumably straight guys (at least the vast majority) want to sexually assault male teammates? Who is enjoying that? Not all hazing is bad in my opinion (ex: having to do extra conditioning drills, pranks like having a guy go out on the ice by himself in

Fire Hoiberg. No evidence he’s even a mediocre Xs and Os coach and he has no control of the locker room whatsoever. Who’s coaching Iowa St now? Maybe the third time is the charm. Bulls are a joke.

Mediocre and poorly constructed I’ll grant you, but bad enough to possibly miss the playoffs in the East? No way. The evidence suggests that calling Hoiberg a mediocre coach would be putting it very charitably. Zero control of the locker room, no team defense, and a lot of losses. Who would’ve thought when

Hoiberg has zero control of this team and is clearly viewed by the players as an assistant coach to Wade and Butler. Iowa State + former role player on a Reinsdorf team = the two factors in every disaster coaching hire Reinsdorf has made on both the Sox and Bulls (not counting Ozzie of course). The Bulls problems

Ummm, Lebron you made them sign 90% of the guys on the roster and made it clear that they had to be signed to keep you happy thus eliminating any leverage the team might have had to sign them for less money (hello Tristan Thompson). You also picked the coach. You think Raymond Felton’s carcass moves the needle for

He’s the greatest to ever do it without question. No one else at that position who’s even in the same category. It’s not just the unbelievable statistics, it’s also how clutch he was. As a Bears fan, I can’t tell you how many great returns he had in key moments and in the biggest games. What a career (and he was

I’m not an ACA expert by any stretch, so please correct me if I’m off-base here, but does contraception really require health insurance? Condoms are dirt cheap and a month of birth control pills costs half as much as the average cell phone bill. I know money is tight for a lot of people, and subsidized contraception

Maybe, just maybe, they know more about the circumstances of the incident than the people commenting at Deadspin. We can assume that 10 guys gang raped a woman and the football team decided not to play a bowl game in order to support them, or maybe there’s more to the story. I don’t know, but seems like it’s a good