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    You need disipline when flying in a fleet, those who cannot cut it are kicked out and do not last long. Besides making mistakes most folks are trying their best, the desire to not make mistakes is very high. esp. in these large wars. Eve is a type of game where you learn very quickly that doing stupid stuff gets you

    Flying in a fleet is a must, going solo you will just die fast and alone. When in fleet there is a “FC” or fleet commander and they call the shots, You are on comms at all times getting realtime navigation and target instructions. If the fleet is very large like 255 ships then you will have a FC and then 1 or 2

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    This is one of Vizzinis unknown classic blunders.

    Hard to say from watching the trailer, but I would suspect similar to Warlock and Total war feel.

    Hey Chris, this is a great article. I grew up in Danbury, Ct. and Cogan Fairs hosted shows all around the area. They are still happening too, Check this out.

    Mike, so glad to hear you are back and recovering!! 

    This was a great read. Nice work!!

    To TURBO or not to TURBO that is the question. TUUUURRRRBBBBBOOOO!!!

    So glad the jumperless motherboard is a mainstay for may years. That being said it is suprising that the pins for power, reset, HDD are not designed better. Maybe motherboard designers think it is easy as is?

    This is nice to hear indeed. I have to say since I started playing a few months ago I have met some good folks while in Hi-Sec. I cannot say anything for Low-Null Sec since i have not delved into that part of the game. Also the help channel is always full of players asking questions and I have used it myself and had a

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     I watched it last night and they should have done 2 waves at least to get more focus on the actors. The skit with Rian and Jimmy and the G man took way to long and could have been better spent talking to the cast.

    I agree that if the mini map is taking away from the main game visuals then the game itself is not built with enough visual queues to help the player. I like Skyrims bar across the top of the screen which showed points of interest instead of a standard mini map.

    That makes sense. I was suprised to see this post and was thinking which American Developer loves Iron Maiden that much? Answer: None.

    I am a new player and have been enjoying what Alpha has to offer so far, but this is just crazy!! I paid for a month of Omega already through a steam sale and I am happily going to pay for more omega time once this comes out.

    You nailed it Enzan!

    Wow that does look good. Is the Potato Salad made differently than what you can find in the states? Also is that a slice of lemmon on the side of the plate? What type of curry did they use in this? Details man details!!!!

    Just for reference. I did not think they had as many model runs as they do posted. Still tracking to the North East so maybe FLA. gets a pass.

    Yes you should try it, as a free to play game you can have some good fun with it and then if you want to take it further you can buy some Omega time.

    Roach Baby????, there could be more........time for a new monitor......

    Man it is a hefty 8 gig update. Looks good so far.