Good discussion, Nick. Some of the reply comments got me thinking about tick habitat and whether tall grass provides habitat for ticks. Below is a link to the CDC’s website on ticks.
Good discussion, Nick. Some of the reply comments got me thinking about tick habitat and whether tall grass provides habitat for ticks. Below is a link to the CDC’s website on ticks.
Nice Job. I watched the whole video, was hooked the entire time. 35 minutes gone just like that.
You can host your own server so in a sense you can have a single player PvE experience if you want. You should, from what I read so far, also be able to tweak the settings of you server to make the exprience your own.
Is it wrong to be more interested in the 2 models rather than the dude in the middle?
Hi, Good article!
I only ever saw this from the American Robotech version and loved the sub plot. Max was the nerdy pilot and Miriya was a Zentradi Ace pilot who I think was shrunk down to human size to act as a spy among the humans. Compared to American cartoons of the 80's like G.I Joe, this was so much better.
I just finished the Single player mode and it was really good, much better than I expected. I agree, the helmet pickups was a worthless endeavor seems like they should have given you something for it.
This was a 30 person game? I do not think I saw more than 3 enemies in even close proximity the whole video, where was everyone? Also did they only have a few vehicles available on the map? or did they spawn when you took a control point?
Hi, Thanks for the sneak peek. Did the other mode offer more than just 4v4 play? I also agree that going back and playing TF1 will give you an idea of how this version seems like a step back in some regards, like no more count down timer for the mech. I hope the other mode had a timer. Along with that, in this mode…
Mike, think of the money you have saved people!!
Oh my god, This is the perfect time to sport a Van Dyke beard and be Alter Fahey!!!
Good Review, although where is the final verdict logo? Are you not able to use that anymore? I think I will try these as my kids will probably love them and my wife will hate me for getting them!!!
Brian, can you call up the company and get a sample for the SNAKTAKU review, or if you can get a sample, send it to Mike F. to do the review?
Mike, There are some quests around, or there were in the Beta that forced you to climb. There was a quest to get a cat off the roof of a church and I saw a kite stuck on a roof in another town I think, but I did not find the quest for that one.
Well now I am glad I waited things out. Although it seems these bugs would not have been found in the beta. I will still be picking it up, but will wait now till they shake it out a little more. Thanks for the coverage on this, real nice to keep tabs on the game as it rolls out.
I plan on picking it up. I played in the Second Beta and it was overwhelming the amount of stuff I needed to learn. It was fun though and quick character progression. I also like the amount of flexibility they give you with combat style and crafting.
Yes yes yes!!! Sir...may I have some more please?
This was great! I have Caillou’s xmas special on the DVR as my fallback movie when nothing else will do.
It is so nice to hear that parenting and trying to still have gaming in your life is a challenge but not impossible to attain, like anything else just requires the proper balance and patience.
Yes, please!!! I would like some more of this!!!!
God, I hope there is a crash log so you can at least open a bug report.