
There’s snark because black and brown people have been telling white people this stuff for ages but, as per usual, white people only get it when it impacts them more personally.

Woo the husband and I are on episode three and loving it. The first thing I thought of when I read this article was how Elizabeth tells her husband they all HATE the palace. Makes sense with it being a shitheap and all.

The Crown is a very good show and a very good distraction.

I’ve written this comment on another article about him before but here goes:

I clean my prep dishes and such after putting everything on the stove. My girlfriend only then has to wash the pot/pan/whatever and tableware, which works out fine.

I’ve seen some weird in my life, so I’m inclined to believe a lot of things that many people won’t, but these people are so obviously grifters. It’s upsetting that people are so desperate that they are willing to push aside any doubts and buy into this crap.

i think its okay if they are the thin ones ;)

Look, I have bipolar disorder with major depression. It’s about communication. If you break plans because you can’t get out of bed, for example, have the decency to communicate that you have to break your plans. No ghosting. There’s a difference between being mentally ill and being a jerk. You can’t blame being a

Rather confused message, there. Why would one use a Nazi symbol to try to scare folks one’s equating with Nazis?

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

I shared an elevator with Bethenny before. She kind of smells weird. That’s all I wanted to add.

Agree. Also, can the talking heads stop with “pages leaked from Trump’s 1995 tax returns suggested that he might have avoided paying federal income taxes for 18 years.” 

Can we stop disparaging coke users by linking them to Donald Trump?

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”

It sure does. It’s been clear for a while that Angelina is more of a homebody than Brad (assuming that your actual “home” can be one of several houses,) and is really focused more on her U.N. work and family as time goes by. If Brad is still interested in jet-setting and drinking heavily and partying and stuff, that

This comment is very important-allowing us to see all of them as human beings

Thank you for this comment, and for giving body to a story that has left so many reeling. I think I can safely say that all of us send love to Morgan and her family and wish them all the peace possible right now. If you hear of any funding page for the memorial, please do post it.

Morgan, the mother, is a friend of a friend. I didn’t really know Maddox or the father, but my friend was very close to them. I remember her sharing pictures of when Maddox was born, her creating a gofundme page to raise money for Maddox’s cancer treatments.

Idea: Close your FB account if other people’s posts annoy you. Then you don’t ever have to police anyone! Problem solved.

Because children’s nudity is private? Because children deserve respect? Because bodily autonomy is not just for sex pozzie hipster poly pansexual adults?