
That’s not what happened. Someone in the comments implied that it is impossible for consensual sex to be painful, and that is what Malcire was disputing. Malcire went on to clarify SEVERAL times in follow-up comments that the believes the victim’s telling of events.

I’m sorry all these people are dogpiling on you, it was totally obvious to me when I read your first comment that you weren’t disputing the victim’s story or trying to argue that the incident wasn’t rape. I understand why people are sensitive about this issue but I feel like a lot of people didn’t really take the time

Because someone said that it was entirely impossible for a big dick to be painful during consensual sex- which is nonsense.

He literally was talking about SOMEONE ELSE’S DICK that a girl he knows (and was sleeping with) encountered.

I don’t think their comment was out of place considering it was in response to someone, but your somewhat disproportionate outrage about it might be.

Ok, just for the record, yes it is possible. My partner has a big dick and I’m pretty small, and we have trouble having sex at times. We’ve been together for almost 5 years so clearly it’s not an issue but it’s often painful and at times the sex has not been rewarding for either of us. It takes a lot of work and

Someone made a comment that I took to mean that they didn’t think discomfort due to size was impossible. Specifically “He also inadvertently admitted he has no idea how sex with a willing partner’s vagina works, so there’s that”. I was weighing in on that. So it being possible seems to have been part of the discussion

I accept that. My point was causing discomfort during consensual sex isn’t impossible. Not that his defense is truthful.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

I just want to thank you for this really clear and important statement. I’m a teacher and try my best every day to make the decisions that will be in the best interest of my students. Legitimately. I want to facilitate them being successful. There are often BIP put in place that are just inconceivable to follow