
No need to worry; it’s a hero shooter with microtransactions and loot crates.

The thing that struck me about the trailer is that Take Me Home, Country Roads was written in 1970. Which is well after the divergence point between our timeline and Fallout’s.

If it’s an MMO, pass.

It wasn’t clear from the post, but I really really want to believe these people mean the bathmat that is actually in the shower. Like the rubber one that some people use to make sure you don’t slip and break your leg. Maybe they step out, piss all over it, then turn the shower on for a second to *kind of* wash it down

I really like Katie’s work. I want to make that clear. She is really, really good.

Hot Take / Unwanted advice:

The book is extremely good, and weirdly one of the biggest things it reveals is about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

I think you’re on the white track.

Given Steve Jobs’ reputation as impossible to work for and his less-than-stellar opinions on medicine, at least those parts of the comparison hold up.

I don’t care whether you’re chanting “Sev-en-teen, sev-en-teen” or “We can smell it.” The fact remains, you really need to stop creeping on those girls and go home.

“The Ringer’s Mostly Fine, But Please Stop Doing Those Tournament Bracket Gimmicks For The Best Wire Character Or Whatever, For The Love Of God, It’s Not 2012 Anymore” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, either.

I can’t believe you doxxed @CelticsChant, a satirical performance you just don’t understand and have no business judging.

Simmons needs to step his microaggression game up.

Not sure that picture is from Dark Empire. Isn’t that Cade Skywalker?

That image isn’t from Dark Empire. It’s from the much worse Legacy series. The featured character is Cade Skywalker who smokes, is a pirate/bounty hunter/smuggler/jedi, occasionally was a sith, hooked up with his hot sith-chick Master, and could cure death.

What? No hate on Darth Tater from me, buddy.

If this thread could become a repository for bad Star Wars licensing I’d appreciate it.

While the headline does use the phrase “one of”, which implies there are others, I feel like the entire bibliography of Kevin J. Anderson should be enough to push everything else out of the “one of the worst” category.

No, that would be Dark Empire. The book trilogy where the Emperor comes back to life using a clone body and Luke turns to the dark side briefly.

So my mom, who has intentionally burned every piece of meat she’s ever cooked to a crisp (“in order to avoid disease”) , is the world’s greatest chef?