Hey, whoever is in charge of web design on this godforsaken website needs to get their shit together. The ads on the mobile vewrsion are making the page scroll around all randomly. It’s annoying.
Hey, whoever is in charge of web design on this godforsaken website needs to get their shit together. The ads on the mobile vewrsion are making the page scroll around all randomly. It’s annoying.
I dunno, I live on the Eastern border of Indiana and Ohio, and I gotta say that there aren’t many better options basically until you get to Columbus.
I mean, in one sense he's got a point. A lot of these local craft breweries have a LOT of room for improvement.
I don't watch the show, but I thought they were postdocs, which is a transitional stage between PhD and running your own lab. They could have gotten different jobs in the meantime, of course.
The Republicans learned long ago that disingenuous diaper-filling riles up the base while also taking advantage of both-sidesism and general spinelessness of media and other gatekeepers. This has been in their playbook at least since the NEA and NEH “controversies” of the late 80s and early 90s.
Many people already pay for Hulu, so this is a value-add for something they already have. And for those of us who live in rural areas or can’t sit down to watch at whatever the local time is, this will be a boon.
Seems like every day it’s more of the former and less of the latter.
The moral isn’t that you’re dumb, it’s that the AV Club has become a content aggregation site, rather than a producer of its own content.
Sure about that? This is something Ted Cruz types have been using for years.
You really really wanted this one to be heard, huh?
Because you’re Daily Double hunting. Getting the DD can help you gain big points, but it also deprives your opponents of that opportunity.
Using terms like “Democrat establishment” and “Democrat party” is Fox News/Republican doublespeak, which they adopted in order to emphasize their belief that the Democratic Party is not democratic. The party refers to itself as the Democratic Party, and it’s frankly disgusting that you are toeing the Republican line…
Even more embarrassing that the A.V. Club, a site which used to have some of the best pop culture writing out there, considers sweaty clickbait aggregation of this NYT content worth posting.
Boy do I wish that these summaries of someone else’s content would be labeled as such in my RSS feed, so that I can avoid clicking on them.
I definitely watched this in high school sociology class. Before I read your comment I was estimating the movie as having been made “in the 70s,” which must be the same one.
There are worse songs on that album (The Stranger), like the catchy but odious “She’s Always a Woman.”
“But the bigger question is, does any of this really matter? And of course it doesn’t. Unless you’re a weirdo like me, you don’t watch Mamma Mia! for its timeline continuity, you watch it for its over-the-top ABBA homages and surprisingly emotional mother/daughter storytelling. And if you are going to raise questions…
Thank you for writing this. It really made my day.
Yeah, it’s graduate student housing. Grad students get paid, but not really that much, so it makes sense to offer them less expensive options. Some are dorm-style.
I grew up in Maryland, where Pennsylvania oddities including scrapple, water ice, and the Pittsburgh Steelers are quite popular and I’ve never once heard of flouring it before frying it.