
Number 1 is my ultimate pet peeve. I once got yelled at for almost hitting a cyclist who brazenly ran a four-way stop while making eye contact with me. Fuck that guy.

“The neutrality and versatility of EVOO also works well for Graves, who uses a light olive oil for sautéeing onions, garlic, or shallots for a sauce or soup.”

I’m white, and elementary school gym class is the only contact I’ve ever had with this song. So today has been a really educational day all around.

I have a friend who gives her dog weed for the dog’s severe arthritis. It seems to help. 

I really wish this was Nathan For You related, mostly because I really want more Nathan For You.

Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Seems like it. A below commenter linked to the wiki for FODMAP, which basically is less-digestible compounds in some food. It appears that for certain people with IBS it might be beneficial to cut them out in the short term.

Why are grains and legumes supposed to be bad for you? Legumes in particular (but also whole grains) are not bad for you.

I was one of the few who saw Solo this weekend, and I thought it was pretty bad. Definitely the worst of the Disney films.

Do you want a medal?

I got the real impression that her heart wasn’t in this one.

My dad lives a few minutes away from Laurel Race Track. In addition to poor access, it’s also a total dump.

My mother-in-law has an entire kitchen cabinet with nothing but dried pasta in it. She must have 20 pounds of pasta at any given time.

Here is one category of people who definitely always have at least one (but realistically more like three) cans of canned tomatoes in their kitchens: people who married people who learned to cook from their Italian grandmothers. There can never be enough cans of tomatoes.

This has gotta be some sort of confirmation bias. One only remembers when this happens because it is annoying, but does not remember all those times it doesn’t happen.

Can confirm, live in Somerville.

Damn, that’s a good price for Bulleit at a bar.

Many universities (particularly the elite and wealthy ones) offer on-campus housing for graduate students. It’s usually more affordable, and offers closer locations to libraries, offices, and other campus amenities.

I like Burneko as my Vacation Daddy.

This is the only correct response.