
First of all, this woman doesn’t understand her own damn religion, because by their own standards, the Pope is going straight to hell for being and idolater, so.

deep dish pizza is not pizza.

That is sad! Ina’s recipes usually never let me down, to the extent where when I know what I want to cook, my first step is usually Googling “Ina Garten (thing I want to cook)“

Also, seriously, go get checked out for postpartum depression. I’m not judging or being snappy. It’s a big thing that affects a lot of people and there are therapists and support groups to help you. Also, like they said below, get away for a few hours when you can, I’ve got 2 kids (4 and 18 months) and it can make a

If Cheeseburgers are vegetarian food, then I can say with all certainty that I can be a vegetarian.

I’m pregnant, I drink with dinner, eat lunch meat, drink coffee and GASP! Don’t need anyone’s advice, because I have educated myself on the risks. Thank yoooou.

Here is the Clinton scandal in one fell swoop.

Take care when calling a black person “articulate.” There’s a lot of history with that term in the black community & it often doesn’t come off as a compliment regardless of your intentions.…

You guys need to just have a unicameral house like us. If your legislation doesn’t pass, TOUGH FUCKING COOKIES. YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT DO NOT MISS YOUR CHANCE TO BLOW, moms spaghetti etc etc

Because the Republicans are a bunch of whiny titty babies who refuse to approve a budget if it doesn’t have the stupid shit they want in it.

When your representatives are this awful and reactionary and anti-woman, maybe it’s time to dissolve the lower chamber. Single-chamber senatorial parliamentary system ftw, ‘cause democracy ain’t working.

I have far more admiration for the skills and patience to take on a project like this - something that has actual, practical use: illustrating what it takes to replicate modern foodstuffs we can pick up at the grocery store and/or deli down the street - than the skills it takes to create a Chrome extension that lets

Yeah I couldn’t snark on this either. I admire the curiosity and dedication.

oh sure when this guy makes his own cheese he get 1.2 million views on youtube but when I make yogurt from the flora in my vagina everyone is all “gross” and “that’s disgusting” and “no you cannot sell this at trader joes”

Slow Food isn’t stupid if you think about generating economic activity at a local level. He could have reached out to nearby dairy and poultry farms, grew some tomatoes and lettuce on his porch, and picked up bread at a baker. Good for the environment, good for his local economy, way less time and money.

God forbid someone takes the time to understand the world around them.

I’m just going to assume that they were high. Like, really high.

75%, at 90%

We absolutely need this. I can only hope the cats will get on that task list of making the humans at Jezebel, Gawker, etc reduce the giant old people text sizes back to normal.

You mean they’ll become a complicated malware infested mess?