
Very sad, but I expect the children he planned to rape in the victory after party really got a working over.

Fuck that stinky satanic witch in the dumper. If the new justice department doesn’t get her, one of the people she shook down for future favors which she can’t repay will. Then she’ll know what Bill’s rape victims felt like.

Considering pinkos like you, and your ilk are more likely to steal and lie, and less liekly to give to charity than conservatives, I’d say whatever bullshit organizations you talk about will be better served under Trump than they would have been under the criminal rape enabler.

Who said anything about being mad. Posting to a 2 month old reply, in the mongoloid manner you did say a lot though. Rainbow haired assklown type r.

Well, firstly, brown mike deserved to die and that sandra lady killed herself so by parading them, fuck you.

What about protection in the wilderness i.e. killing an animal. That link “knife art” pretty much sums it up. That dagger belongs on the dresser of a fat oily faced nerd just like the fantasy shit I can get at the local “bianca Amor’s liquidation warehouse of shit.”

Ban assault knives for ASS sakes. Think of the children.

It’s 2016, so we may as well have all forms of fruitbowls running. At least she has a nice rack of lamb.

Any fuck who thinks “cissexism” is something real and that trigger warnings should exist is a gold star example of what is wrong with the west and how we’re doomed.

between drugs, explosive laxative shits and midgets fucking donkeys on the dl, you’re gonna want privacy, and lots of tile surfaces.

If you track down the original police report and read it, it was pretty eye opening. IF I got caught with that in my garage you can bet your sweet ass I’d do the dad bod perp walk for the world to see.

This is a clear case of victim becomes the attacker, but understanding that means eating a much larger shit sandwich. Pedophilia and abuse of the most base level is endemic in not only the entertainment industry, but more importantly politics - from the top tribesmen down to anyone who wants to get into the club.

Now playing

Much of this was available via the police reports. It talked about vintage child pornography. Like the shit you can’t happen upon.

The failure hardly stops at boys, and failure to look at the issue through the correct lense ensures that it won’t ever be corrected. Much like the issues of police brutality being blamed solely on race.

I was going to say it resembles one of those edgy pieces made from faeces ( I’m being sophisticated using the limey spelling ).

You just read a cry for help combined with exhibit A how social media and a drift into western cultural stupidity has turned much of the world into self celebrity obsessed emotionally stunted mongoloids.

If you say so. The maul of “sexism” is used to smash this sort of thing in the West. That isn’t my fault. I’ll take these Russian bombshells over the fuking hags, gender fluid mentally ill weirdos and fat pride slunts.

Another animal had to fucking die because of shitty parents. Fuck this shit.

Look at the members of the board. Made up of the worst of the worst. Judging by her eyes, this lady made it to the right party, and found the right rich guy to feed her cocaine and make her crawl around nude like a dog at the afterparty.

So not only is the guy an asshole who looks like an albino burnvictim, he managed to purloin a pair of dearly departed charles nelson reilly’s spectacles?