Donald Trump’s Cinco de Mayo Taco bowl owns me, and everyone else here, plus all the food mentioned, plus every wig shop on the eastern seaboard.
Donald Trump’s Cinco de Mayo Taco bowl owns me, and everyone else here, plus all the food mentioned, plus every wig shop on the eastern seaboard.
Back in the day growing up, it wasn’t common to see those huge hoss ones. The other ones? For sure. Shit at least they weren’t using cartridge based operating systems or tape drives like I started with.
I can’t help but think. Big deal. For all the theft and profiteering that goes on by military contractors, this worked. Mark my words, the new system will be obscenely more expensive, and will only succeed at doing what it was designed to do - make a private corporation rich.
I can’t look at the guy without thinking albino burn victim so it’s stillborn. Damn.
nice little peek at the old lovebud.
This and the overwatch thread offer an interesting perspective. Russian cosplayers celebrating their sexiness. Meanwhile in the west, obese bulldykes and tranny fruitbowls are engaged in an intersectional assklown femenazi assasination of the traditional bombshell.
Is someone from the gawker family going to sympathetically cover Anita Lardsleezian’s reaction to this?
He got his face fuckstarted by godzilla's radioactive dick.
Like holy ass, I’m frightened but I can’t stop staring.
I’d like to try whatever his mom was on when he was in utero.
speaking of which, that guy looks somewhat like an old version of corey lewandowski. Also Hillary clinton is a career criminal, a serial abuser of women, and a fetid ham wallet. Good Day.
Transphobic hey? Classy.
you’re every bit the dumb fuck word typer earning a subsistence living a dime at a time anyone with a brain thinks you are if you think clinton is disliked because she has a wizard sleeve.
hey bro you wanna shoot some stick?
Martha, a real talent live? Good. Much like Jordan Sargent outing himself as the douche everyone thought he was though, Jezebel live is opinion validating, dry heave inducing, maniacal laugh inducing, anf have a shower inducing.
yeah my mind was saying “v10 fighter.” 700+ pounds of sexuality.
I find Avalanche owners to be odd, just like the avalanche itself. One local guy rocks an old black one with the hilarious mongoloid V10 motor and you couldn’t buy it from him for all the money int he world.
I’m 41 and I don’t. Bottom line. If you’re some peter pan douche who hits the scene where by that time your father had grown up, then fill your boots. If you’re checked out any sort of scene, don’t bother.
I guess since they consist of generationally useless parasites and emotionally stunted teenagers obsessed with celebrity and social media they are a handy group of e-shock troops to have at the ready.
Are you getting a fram replaced on your tundra and starting with taking the easy stuff off?