
Oh, I thought it was the doctor. Well, then, everyone was terrible lol. I’m not sure if they still shave them, I haven’t had any kids. Maybe someone who has recently can weigh in.

Wow, what an asshole. I’m sorry you went through that.

My grandmother had to fight (while in labor) to not get the “twilight sleep” drugs. She was 19 when her first was born.

That guy sounds fucking terrible, I'm so sorry.

wow that is disgusting. In every fucking sense. I’m sorry.

Well, aseptic technique in childbirth was discovered because of midwives. Once upon a time, childbed (Puerperal) fever was thought to be a normal event following childbirth. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis observed that women being delivered by doctors had 3 times the mortality rate of women delivered by midwives. The reason?

Gah! I’m so sorry that you went through this. Your experience is basically all the things I said I didn’t want in my birth plan. I also “poopied all over the doctor,” but because she was A DOCTOR, she didn’t care at all, because that’s part of normal childbirth.

But she’s just a baby. She doesn’t understand the ways of the world yet. Shouting might only scare her.

That’s the fur of competence.

Yup, that sounds like a pretty awful experience all right :/


Everything about this article is fucking weird, and I’m not sure why it’s in Pictorial.

That guy sounds fucking awful. It’s all terrible professionalism, but I think the absolute worst was that he said ‘poopie’. Ugh.

And really, unless that baby comes shooting out of your vagina like a cannonball, I’m not sure what “reflexes” have to do with delivering babies.

Psssst! Your friend is not a feminist.

Good rule of thumb for anyone aspiring to deliver babies: be kind, a little witty, and listen to the mother-to-be. Whether you’re a midwife, or a woman doctor, or a man doctor, just make sure to do those things in addition to what methods your training prescribes.

The worst part of this, tbh, are the gorrilla forearms.

Semi-related: a close friend who is a feminist and all that good stuff? When she got married a few years ago she insisted on having a male officiant because a woman ‘just didn’t feel important or ceremonial enough, sorry if that’s not feminist or whatever.’ I just let it go but it still pisses me off - like if someone

My health care network hires midwives to do run-of-the-mill gynecological things. My birth control implant was inserted by a midwife. It’s pretty cool.

When in the hell were you first pregnant, in the ‘40s?