
Cinderella, for example.

Could a professional makeup artist or someone like that comment on this? Is it really that much extra work to be prepared for any skin tone? I would have thought that for someone doing top-tier shoots, this kind of thing would be basic. Yeah, most models are white, but if you’re doing this for a living, you’re going

A good makeup artist would come prepare and do there research before coming to work because often time you know what to expect especially at a show!

Good for her. It’s nothing short of unprofessional for makeup artists to not be prepared for her.

I don’t even understand how that’s possible other than pure racism. I did makeup in amateur theater productions and we always made sure we had makeup for the skin tones of every actor or we just had nothing for anyone (including my own ghost pale self who has ended up in clown makeup more than once). If you’re a

Some righteous and badly-needed dragging.

I hope you’ve never said “But when’s *white* history month?!” during February, because that would make you a big fuckin’ hypocrite.

You can still be fired for cause. The intent of tenure is to protect academics from backlash when they choose to research politically unpopular topics or say politically unpopular things, not to let people get away with being abusive or sexually harassing others or committing gross academic misconduct.

As is their business model. What’s your point?

Love it!

In this instance, you’re as guilty as someone who would display a rebel flag.

“I’ll take that in cash.”

Wait, what? Are you seriously conflating pointing out a hilarious but clearly unintentional Google glitch with those who stubbornly cling to an antiquated and racist symbol as though they are one and the same? Can you please look up the definition of ‘false equivalency’?

They report on the news. Especially news regarding gender/race/minority/etc. issues. Why would they not report this? Not to mention, it’s already all over Twitter from that text. They wouldn’t be doing their job if they were to ignore it. I’m sure that there is someone who is offended by something in literally every

I’ll take that.

“What about me?”

stars for you comment

Not enough stars available in the universe.

Has any teenage girl EVER had a better wake-up call? Victoria was 18, when: