
it’s natural to want to defend your country but publicly sanctioned punishment rapes might not be the best hill to die on...

MASSIVELY EDITED: See first reply for reason

MASSIVELY EDITED: I cowtow. I really don’t feel like getting into a debate on the internet right now and don’t believe the things being attributed to me so I will just remove the text, say ‘What is happening in this one place in India sucks!” And move on

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

“I felt incredulous that people who are in uniform, on the job, and trusted with protecting the public could express so much contempt for women,” she said. “The misogyny is horrifyingly casual. How can such attitudes not affect their police work?

Deputy Farnam enjoying the sunshine on his day off

“He said, ‘Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will help keep him grounded,’” Mills recalls.

Never heard of her or these books.

Between the Gawker article comments on Men Who Kill and this study, I think I’m done for the day.

I think the “Holy Boning” basically consisted of an angel dropping by and being like “Wammo, your’e preggers now”.

how? why? I love turkey in pretty much any form except for bacon. it's never ever crisp and truly just tastes "off" - blech!

My mother and I have been engaged in a nearly relationship-ruining fight about turkey bacon for 20 years. I distinctly remember the day she brought it into our house. She served it with eggs and toast like absolutely nothing was wrong, but I wasn’t fooled. “What is this?” my 13-year-old self asked without any sass.

Turkey Bacon tastes like how Snausages (the dog treats) smell.

“I love bacon, but i want it to taste more like cardboard”

How is turkey bacon a thing? Is it a thing? Are we in the twilight zone?

Yup. Turkey bacon is an abomination.

nature is trying to tell you to eat normal bacon

My college roommate, a rather devout atheist (if that’s a thing), used to get banner ads telling him he could meet Christian singles nearby. Hilarious to watch him defend why the banner ads were popping up on both levels (no guys, I’m not using dating websites... and no, I’m not secretly religious...)

And I just won a free Xbox!