
Her shoes are fucking fantastic and this IS a hill I will die on. Lord knows how she stumbled across the Most Comfortable Heel formula but she did.

Actually, her fashion line is on point. She has excelled at that. There’s nothing low-end about it.

Some bright spark at 7-Eleven got the idea to package and sell their Big Bite hot dogs in the refrigerator case.

Now I just need to find a good home version of the roller grill and I’ll be playing with house money until it’s time to meet the gods, my life on earth fulfilled.


Kingwolf, about 10 years ago I found myself in a rehab where pretty much everyone thought they were better off dead. The person who got me through that experience, who was one of the greatest souls you’ll ever come across, did eventually take his life. He was 25. I know for 100% certain he would take back that

That show sucked bigly.

As Dorinda Medley would say “Not well, Bitch!”

Same. I feel bad.

Fucking shit, that’s how. Thanks for asking tho and also feel better soon

I feel bad. How’s everyone doing?

Exactly. They cancelled it like 5 minutes after they released the 2nd season. Cruel and unkind.

Maybe if netflix gave it more of a chance, more people would have watched it. I didn’t start watching it till the second season came out. We now plan our watching around our own schedules. If a show is going to be on netflix for a while, I will watch it when I want to, not when it comes out.

“Cool story, bro” time:

I run a podcast about cleaning on Deadspin and you need to ask if I’m crazy?

What if my problem is that I don’t really have that many problems and I’m somewhat afraid that that’s a problem?

They’re based on the old tradition back when cities were surrounded by high walls to keep out invaders. Giving a key meant you were trusted and welcome anytime.

I haven’t seen it but it’s *insert grumpy cat meme* good that a shitty human being isn’t being further rewarded with visibility and money.

I quit men and people are so confused by it. The guys I’ve dated have been trash. I should go on a dating site, it will happen when I least expect it, blah blah blah. I’m mid-thirties and southern, so my parents gave up a while ago, bless. Everyone else can STFU.

Wait, isn’t this guy Attorney General of the United States? Even if he’s convicted, it’s not justice. He’ll die in a few years anyway, and that innocent 27 year old had decades ahead of him.