Segun Akinwale

cos of you bbc does that nfl show after sunday MoTD

inteegender…. but the different genders arent going to fight well except whem the ladies hit the men

The 4th law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant state evilness as the temperature goes below absolute zero,as long as the stupidity of your team mates remains constant.

as someone who only drinks ice cold water, i can attest to the evilness generated by frost

latino isnt a race you even have asian latinos… research peru's ex president.
the racism calling thing is getting boring 💤 now.

the time travel rules in CW is awful

pfft who need guns? knives and vehicles do the job better here in europe.

no 1 seem to notice his half british half dodgy chinese hybrid accent

danny left america when he was 10, his formal education ended when he was 10, he has been away for 15 yrs, he shouldn't have an american accent unless the monks speak american English.
He should be enrolling for adult education not sitting in the office.

its called nostalgia Google try putting 1 one.

people keep moaning about how women/females dont need protection, turns on tv all i hear id people/organisations moaning how women need protection, Ok am confused who should i believe?

haha i was waiting for you to show up 👍

The only thing getting normalized is people on your political side of the spectrum becoming the EXACT thing they claim to oppose

My name is barry allen and am the fastest man alive (false)……… ,to the outside world am an ordinary forensic scientist (yet to act as one nor has the job as one)

No we celebrate it on the 29th, peeps day (as we normally call it) it celebrate every 4 years, it a quartanual celebration.

harambe is grodds doppledanger

and they all have the audacity to delibrate about gun control, when arrow is 60%more like to kill you than any thing else in star city

most Americans do especially black americans and american media. I guess it feeds into various about how they view africa i.e africans are homogenous and not significant enough to differentiate.
remember in Avengers AoU the "of the coast of africa" incident its like saying the Asian coast or the north American

the time it took her to switch from flash costume to star lab shirt she didnt notice HR?

the dumbnamic duos