Segun Akinwale

na you not but someone like me can be considered racist as i dont like the 100m race; its too short for my liking

amaya keeps helping america get independence when will she help her own people get independent?

i just realised my 3 yrs old niece wrote this episode, well i would like to think

considering, iron man 3,ultron,vision and aida, i find. it. odd shield has no metal detectors for metallic beings

thats something the real kid flash would do

oh boy seems like i watched show, from most people on here.
I wish the CWverse a speedy recovery from their shortTermMemoriantis.

The algorithm i created on my phone just showed you have a point there

The way the word ALGORITHM is used on tv really pisses me off,

poor lad will be freezing this winter, sinccos of absent husband/cuddles at nightgu

i read few articles about how bisexual aren't fully accepted by the gay ccommunity, and its reflective on how tv shows/films make their 'labelled' bisexuals just in homosexual relationships.

island for years? more like globetrotting most of those years

mr curtis TOKENfic is has useless has his cousin in the flash wally PEST, curtis should be made to be the cisco of this overpopulated team at least, while wally should be sent to earth 97,000.

yes i believe both sides to be bad as each others

You trump haters/liberals pause and take a look a yourselves, there is more vile and hatred coming from you than from the so called "bad guys", to us neutrals you are equally terrible.
Perhaps some self reflection will make you realise why you are losing on both sides of the pond

Difference between the good guys and bad guys is just the labelling

That woman shouldn't have recognised that amulet, zambezi is in southern africa, slaves were sold from west and south western africa and vixen reactions to the plantation should have been different from jax's considering similar practices still happens in various African countries.
What am i saying historic accuracy

I heard the blight killed your cats?

Why was the PC still working after she froze it?

Good point on the doppelganger

I had a couple of typos in my message, i was being sarcastic there.
Did you see the binge review the criticism was light, most of the flaws were ignored.