Segun Akinwale

lots of people are mentioning various case if people dating younglings, beside R kelly

is their a muslim look?

is any one going to talk about the president of france? hes married to his school teacher who he was dating while he was still in school, imagine if the gender was reversed?

Glad to see you out off your shell, weren't you told its impolite to use such slur for non white people?

cry me a river.
soon it ll be a crime for black people
to die or get injured on TV.
Then your kind will find something to moan about.
now lets do maths white char vs non white char who has more tragedy befallen?

As some one who has seen lots of mutilated bodies/ bodies with miss part/ missing parts of bodies, religious or not lot of families/friends dont take those likely(some eastern and central african countries believe using albino body parts for rituals brings good luck, and americans think they have it worse on racism) ,

who is/are the good guy in this show?
liv? she eats corpses brain illegally and without the deceased familys permission(imagine if those corpse were your dead friend or family).
the other zombies? who are about to bring apocalypse to mankind.

there shows has reduced my IQ drastickly, and apparently my righting skills for the past 5 yrs

kudos to cW for going ahead in using the script written by that 12 yrs old somalian kid.

well it takes less than 6 months to become one

We just label people monsters to renforce the notion we are the good guys.
To someone else that nazi,isis gadafi,hitler,racist,saddam etc is a loving dad,mum uncle,friend neighbour etc

Flash,supergirl and arrow get better grades for mediocre episodes

Does he have a playstation?

Every TV show/media keeps telling me because i have dark skin there are always going to be unsurmoutable nobstacles in my life, even when some (sometimes most) of the obstacles arent there or just obstacles one can walk over. They repeat this,and keep on repeating and repeating till i start hallucinating the

I skipped so much i came to av club to recap

na shes not, the fact shes better than savitar just make us think shes better.
If she was the main bad we'll all be moaning

Multiply that 50 bucks by the number of theft that will keep occuring if there wasnt such deterrent.
Ps if someone burgled your home and only stole a pen, you wont say let her go free its only a pen

But they can cry, feel love,hate, get drunk i mean whats the rules and where is the boundaries?

Please show where i said he isnt talented? Infact you are the one who insinuated that "While I agree Jimmy has been next to useless this season"

so basically he should be on the show just because he black?