Segun Akinwale

Sshhhh you aren't allowed to criticise this or you be called a…….. ist.
So let's just join the masses and pretend luke cage was great ☺

Nazi has a few battle on north africa (they attacked the British and French there) . NAzi had/has no effect on over 80% of africa tool this day. I know the creator were americans so she had to be in america, but the nazi were no threat to her or her people.

So amaya abandoned her unprotected tribemen for for america, which has the jsa, various heroes and and is a more secure country than yours.
Guess making america great again is more important than making zambezi great.

I remember i once invited sava to my house, he complained about how my fridge, washer, microwave and other white goods were white(i have a feeling he reported the company). Hewas about to complain the lack women of colo(u)r amongst my pals luckily i had a pix of my mum and sis so i showes him.

This episode made me from start to wnd, something the arrowverse/SG has stopped doing.
It just obvious the hatred for this show stems from the fact its cool to hate whate everyone says they hate on the Internet.

By those who own the mines

Duh! 1 drop rule.

Clarks angry at hank is like us being mad at the Government for having weapons, so you're WRONG clark.
Kara and her sense of entitlement cos shes is the boss lady's pet(reverse the gender and we'll be screaming cis-white-male entitlement ir whatever you lots call it) so kara you're wrong new boss is right, but then

When in the north of my home country some ppl celebrated this let alone in other Muslim majority countries… So YES some did, some didn't, and some didnt GAF as they have more things to worry about.

Do the producers remember he was time bounty hunter?

Unless he/she his a black south african-American then sorry

Lol @ ermac

I presume since she's white, she isn't covered by sjw insurance.

I was actually going to say this.
And also what role is thea, indint remember her being elected and being the mayors sis isn't a position, bow she wants to pick deputy mayor.

I have a dream that 1 day americans will judge tv shows/ by the content of its plots/character and not by the context of the skin colours of the actors.
This is why i now watch koreans and Japanese films cos i dont have to distracted by race or sexuality coefficients.

That's america for you, i heard they are even thinking of changing the colour of sugar to appease this people

Dont you know the world revolves around US of a where were you in geography?

I know right, even jet li was in 1 iirc

Americans will bring race/colour/diversity into anything, even if you white pigeons are just chilling on a lawn you'll deem it offensive, soon it will be offensive to have white teeth

Oh please you are the 1 bringing the racism connotation to it.
As you rightly said 3 yr difference isn't enough to label 1 kid version of the other. They can't have the same chemistry/relationship flash and KF had in the cartoons/comics
P. S Btw he was added because people why crying for more minorities on the show.