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An which part if my comment commends bigotry? All am saying is making white heroes black is patronising, create new heroes and make them whatever colour or religion or gender. Ok then lets make superman west asian the flash indian, make wonderwoman transgender etc lets diversify them.
You know who i fear more than

WhenI watch american civil rights videos i see lots of whites in the background, from the era of selling sales to europeans to the 40s and 50 their are lots of ppl who didnt care about race, and lots of biracial relationships. This racism thing gets over milked alot

How is his powers different from other speedsters? He slows time around him meaning he becomes faster than whats around him. Potato, potato

He lied to iris not wally so how does that connect with wally's anger at joe not being their?
Which was due to his mamas lies
Iris should be mad at both joe and her mum wally should be mad at his mum not his father

Tv treatment of father this days

We all know francine is in the wrong here irrespective of the excuses bella is trying to make, if it was the reverse joe ll be quickly labelled a villain

No making white superheroes shows you arent significant to have your own lets give you on of ours, thats patronisation, but ppl are being made to think patronisation means equality.
If black panther was changed to Indonesian (considering we have no asian hero and asians arethe majority in the world) will you call

As someone who has never been intimidated or felt uncomfortable with someone different to me SJWs hhave done zilch to me, but rather the continously wanna give me reasons to have issues with ppl i dont give a sshit about or i have no issues with, maybe when SJWs starts focusing more concrete issues rather than media

What you hate cat because a feminist and female version of the white make boss the show constantly nag about?
Men you gonna burn in hell for that (dear SJWs cani join your clan now please?)
Tbh i dont see what ppl like in her she's as consistent as the inconsistency in the show 1 minute she loveable the next shes

Martian manhunter had been made black in a couple of recent alterations, you to go satisfy our complain of white ppl not putting enough blacks i mean minorities in their club

Do you realise this is supergirl tv show?
What next you can ask why MM didn't just phase through instead of using the fingerprint scanner, or why he didn't just read the guards mind when he asked him a question pfft all this ridiculous question hi are asking

Irrespective a man of lord statue/persona would have any form of security inside his most secured room, especially considering the guards ahbe access to the room

Now you know who the show is aimed for

Alex had been many things in this show. I guess callous ll b added to that list now although it contradicts the scientist bad ass agent who is an expertise in body language

I was rejected a girl, coning from a rich family i guess she didnt take it well, we stayed as friend 15 months later she ended my relationship with the girl i chose to be it. So yes rejection can make you a villain lol

The empirically law of social justice states if X= a person or persons perceived as part of majority in society and y = person perceived as a minority X is always the aggressor and y is always a victim irrespective of the given situation
SJW = X/y
X can be of this variables (white, christian, straight, male)

Ok ama ignore the constant anti men jibes (seems this show doesnt realise majority of its viewers have xy chromosomes), why does someone who can phase through object attempt using the FP scanner (that could set off the alarm), why didn't henshaw read his mind to find the answer the guard asked him, did DEA not put

I believe subconsciously shes using winns fondness of her to push him to do things, no pun intended but its a common thing among ladies (obviously not all) if they think you like them but ve noticed such behaviour when i was a kid in nigeria to being an adult in the UK i still see this behaviour of course some

Do you know what causes more damge to people im a bomb? The shrapnels, and guess what super just gave the bomb shrapnels

Have said the same before. i tend to watch supergirl and scorpion at the same time as i feel they are in the same universe and if SG gets reviewed scorpion should too.