Segun Akinwale

Alex was a scientist (botanist i think) then an agent, then a skilled fighter, then the deputy of a govt agency, and also she what she told kara at the end of this episode.
Am beginning to think shes has powrrs the show hasn't realised
Someone like me who is very vigilant would have noticed that cam on my bag (lets

Apocalypse is hrs away but its good to see you americans/texans (of the heroverse) keeping to your ECO commitment by keeping the traffic free, the co2 emission produced if people had chosen to hit the road due to the choas would have caused more damaged

Along 2 rides 1 cop

Whispers SCORPION…… NO! Not the arachnid, the TV show. I heard its more venomous

People are quick to label things/people as racist or homophobic or any other phobic(those words that has phobic but dont mean fear), i think it makes them feel like the good guys, and are morally superior to others, not knowing they themselves are the actual bigots for Making everything lool discriminatory.

Then the age gap between rey and kylo should be massive, if 1 is to follow your theory, perhaps rey was taken at an older age

1st episode of season 2 a white man died, so what's unique about blacks dying? Well unless you believe blacks should be immortals on tv

Superspeed won't work on the emails as tge pc doesn't have super speed, superman driving a VW beetle wont make it move faster than a Ferrari
But did they have to print the emails? Wont reading it on electronic device make it faster to read through and also eliminate print time

Ah finally someone talks about the oxshits in this episode, this was one of the weaker episodes, i had to suspend belief and dumb my brain alot to watch it
Last season the league were waltzing in and out if scarcity, why did raj summon them to fight dhark?

But nandar parbat is in American soil (considering how everyone pops in and out) so polygamy should be illegal.
M sure the writers have forgotten about that marriage
Didn't anyone notice both shows made no reference about the previous cross over epidode, were shot out of sync?

A public loo is more secured than their bases

Yep, exactly what am thinking, i hate when show create forced tensions for drama sake. Having guilt over things that aren't their fault

And it was just a friend hug nothing to imply otherwise but the show and its forced tensions

Now that have concluded that, the adventure of lois and clark, power rangers, scorpion and SUPERGIRL are in the same reality, no need for me to be critical about the atrocities in the show but accept it for what it is.
I guess i expected too much from SG…… sigh

But every popular superhero are either overpowered version or depowered version of already overpowered version

Perhaps, on hysis' team, that can feel the quota for semites in the show

Only black and white people matters on this planet ok, the world revolve around us ok, considering both don't even make up to a 3rd of the world population

but no semite in it, might as well use a chinese persons for those role as both of them dont look people from that region,
Sorry to break your bubble but Egyptian aren whites or black

Yes i know jay did, watch any episode tha required facing through, its not a movement like light through glass, its a slow process that requires vibrating through, as we saw jay do, barry just appeared from no where, if he was phasing through. Savagemand co would have noticed.
Perhaps he passed through like light

Unfortunately the society we live in has engineered us to believe believe if a gay or black person isnt in it its not diverse an inequal (its like only black, white an gay exist on this planet. ) .
As a non-white….. Am British nigerian
Various characters of different ethnicity and cree has been brought and killed of,