
Charm and Wit?

Really? I guess I found Paula's confession really heartbreaking and made total sense to me, especially since Rebecca really DOES pull away every time she gets focused on another self-improvement project. Is Paula wrong to encourage it? Sure. But I think she thought they could bond over this one thing, and that it was

The difference is that Josh was mad at her; Paula was motivated by a fear of being abandoned, which is not only understandable to most people, but ESPECIALLY understandable to Rebecca, who is far too familiar with being abandoned by people she loves.


To be fair though, would you know what the hell's going on? I barely do and I've been watching from the beginning.

I just realized that this explains so much of my life. I'm not sure if I'm motivated or depressed.

Crumbs are the WORST. They're just small enough to be hard to find under all the boob, but scratchy enough to be uncomfortable.

That's hilarious, but also looks really painful. My boobs aren't anywhere near her size and I'm having sympathy pains.

I was going to say "can you give him my number?" until I reread your comment and saw "high school." Awkward. Now I think I'm on some federal watch list.

Yeah, I wasn't feeling Greg previously (and I still question how good they are for each other), but MAN this brought back all the episode 4 fangirling and confusing-pants-feelings. This show keeps playing with my emotionsssssssssss!

I see what you mean, but I do think maybe that would've distracted too much. The show was throwing so many balls in the air that introducing — and then explaining, because "magical Negro," unlike Bechdel test, isn't a term you can just throw out there and not expect people to flip out — might've thrown off the story's

See, I agree in theory, but considering how little of this I thought they could pull off at the beginning, I'm inclined to agree with Allison: they can take us wherever they want and it'll be amazing. They've proven they have the talent to pull it off.

But family isn't just who you're blood related to. It's a privilege, not a right, and you get to make your own family. (Look at all those cliches! But it's true.)

I stopped reading their discussion around the time they kept comparing it to HP and jumped to the comments to see what everyone else had to say. Between this and the Animorphs retrospective, I'm getting the sense that this series is all about shitting on older things in the pursuit of mocking nostalgia.

I stopped reading their discussion around the time they kept comparing it to HP and jumped to the comments to see what everyone else had to say. Between this and the Animorphs retrospective, I'm getting the sense that this series is all about shitting on older things in the pursuit of mocking nostalgia.

It gets better every time.

It gets better every time.

His newest series is better written, too, though less grand. It's fun to read both and watch him improve his dialogue and plotting.

His newest series is better written, too, though less grand. It's fun to read both and watch him improve his dialogue and plotting.

I think it's kinda unfair to compare them: Snicket is focused on dissecting and subverting children's literature, playing with structure and wordplay in order to create a dizzying ride unlike anything we've read before. Harry Potter is a more traditional fantasy series: not as edgy or avant grade, but it's not