
If I'd had more religious people like Father Brah in my life, my faith would be sooooo much less fucked-up than it is. XD

Also neither of them know how to be "friends with women." That might be why they work so well together.

Josh strikes me as the definition of "spiritual but not religious." (Not praise or condemnation, just seems where he sits.)

Also, I think Josh and Rebecca are kinda cute together. They should NOT be in a relationship, but I think there's a spark there that . . . could, maybe. Someday. Years from now. Years and years and YEARS from now. (Then again, maybe they're only held together by their brokenness, and if they were healthy they wouldn't

I was hoping someone else would ship it. Them and WhiteJoshFeather are the only ones I actively ship on this show.

I never thought anyone's laughter would be as infectious as the Achievement Hunters, but these boys have good laughs indeed. They are good laugh boys.

I'm totally with you on the appreciating the relationships; as I mentioned in my comment to jdzaei that probably is a lot bitchier than I meant it, what drives me nuts is the insistence that someone HAS to be the right person, and whether or not they're worthy. And I know this is because I like Josh more than any

That'd be awesome! (Also, anyone miss Sunil? I'd kinda hoped for him and Paula until Scott came back . . . which I can't decide if I'm happy about, but it's not up to me.)

But the shenanigans! Those are some slithery shenanigans.

Heather's a Ravenclaw if you're allowed to be lazy, Gryffindor if not. Also Valencia is Slytherin, because she's actually pretty smart under it all.

Can I marry you? Please? I love Josh (and the petty part of me wonders if it's kinda weird that so many shippers desperately want Rebecca to be with any white guy instead of the Asian lead? Is that going too far?) — NOT as someone to be with Rebecca, but as a character who needs to get his shit figured out as well,

I feel Josh — and I actually felt him more this episode, because he was sweeter and more understanding than usual, which obviously means things are going tits-up — but I mean, Nathaniel is pretty hot. So is Josh, but he doesn't quite have that "carved from evil marble" beauty.

So glad I'm not the only one who really felt that Frankie Valli wind. I understand that it's a lot of bit, but his voice is gorgeous and his dance moves are impeccable, plus it's got that CxG lyricism I can never hate. Not my favorite song of the 3 (that belongs to the Plimp, obvs), but it was charming and fun.

I know, but . . . like, does it help to say that it's all in her head? It takes until episode 10 or so, but she DOES say "I imagine that my life is a series of musical numbers" or something to that effect.

Sadly though, we're not. Go on YouTube and it's full of shipping wars; replace josh with Greg and I feel like we'd have a very different comment section.

For what it's worth, my "things I look for in a boyfriend list" is just watching this show and not smoking, so there's that.

"I don't like musicals." I always want to scream, because these are the same people bitching that there's nothing original on tv, no romantic Asian leads, no positive bisexual representation…..and I'm just like "IT'S ALL HERE! A gold mine of everything beautiful and good in the world and NOBODY WILL WATCH IT!"

And yet, maybe that's a sign that Gregbecca are bad for each other. both josh no Greg encourage different parts of her neuroses….

Well, Greg had different damage than Nathaniel. It's the difference between destructive choices and daddy issues, I guess. But it's Rachel bloom, so he'll fall in love with her. Everyone does. I did. You did. Everyone does.

If you don't mind a recommendation from a stranger, I'd try taking a break. This season definitely seems darker than the first, and I stopped watching for 3 weeks in December because between it and the shitfest that was 2016 (also seasonal depression is at its worst right now!), I didn't have the emotional energy for