Abbott’s pizza in Santa Monica has been doing this for at least 10 years. It’s delicious.
Abbott’s pizza in Santa Monica has been doing this for at least 10 years. It’s delicious.
Sadly, probably moreso than in her own home.
The genesis of the question was to establish your WSB credentials. You write as if you’ve been there since the beginning and know, intimately, the motivations of the WSB hive mind.
The game seems to be that, for House managers, the goal isn’t to secure a conviction, it’s to make public a tight package of evidence that will dislodge moderate Republican voters. We already know that Republicans will vote to acquit, the goal is to make that vote such a black eye that a Trump run in 2024 is doomed…
Bannon is telling him to testify...
Bannon is out there in the media saying that Trump should testify because “he’s the only one who can sell it (his defence)“. He’s listened to Bannon’s scheming before, so it’s not totally insane that Trump might testify.
I’d rather he go before the Senate in his trial and the trial managers just turn him loose. No guardrails, whatsoever. Just let him babble up there. He’ll either incriminate himself, perjure himself, or straight up commit new crimes, right then and there.
So how much did you make in the GME trade?
This is a criminally underrated comment.
If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying. But for real, how on Earth did they think that cheating by that much wouldn’t raise any red flags? Even a basic data anomaly test would show that data point being so far outside the normal distribution that it would spur further scrutiny.
I think it was more about not alienating potential advertisers with by allowing stories with an overtly political slant, but that sort of “enlightened” centrism is what got us into the current mess we’re in. Everything is political and to close your eyes and try to people to avoid discussing political, especially for…
The trading halt is actually way less nefarious than it seems. Robinhood’s clearing house, Apex, changed the ratio of shares it required RH to hold for executing those trades from 30% to 100% and RH simply could not hold that many shares because of the insane spike in volume. It was either limit trading in GME/AMC or…
All of those things cost money. Melvin, as of yesterday, had lost something like 53% of their value this year.
Everything that humans perceive is interacted with by the perceiver. There is no objectivity and everything is static until it is interpreted by the perceiver. Due to the intentional fallacy, the work remains static until the perceiver applies the breadth of their experiences to consuming that work, which gives it…
I’m curious: what is it about a game being a game that makes it absolutely not art?
DFV has definitely taken some money off the table, but I think it’s most likely buying/selling options contracts. He started buying back in 2019 (I believe) and his cost basis has got to be somewhere between $5-$20, so even right now, he’s on the right side of that particular trade. Meanwhile, while he’s long shares,…
For some, like Gill, he absolutely had an exit strategy. There’s no way a day trader suddenly took a buy and hold mentality on an ugly dog like GME. For many others, however, it was about maintaining upward pressure on prices so that Melvin, et al were forced to pay billions to churn their short exposure down the…
This won’t have any impact on GME’s business operations. Their assets, liabilities, business model, plan, revenues, are all unchanged from three weeks ago.
It’ll be bigger than just fracturing into several new nations (we don’t have a history of existing as separate nations, like Europe did, so I’m not convinced that’s the direction things will go, anyway). I think it may be a global reckoning of the entire financial system and the incentives that exist because the…
There are many hedge fund managers out there and most didn’t get blown up by a guy trading options from his basement rallying an army of nihilistic Redditors. The difference between Melvin’s managers walking away with only several million, as opposed to keeping the money spigot turned on, is timeline. If Melvin can…