
Templar’s Well, anyone?

The conversation around consumer behavior and climate change always sort of baffles me because individuals are really only responsible for around 30% of emissions that cause climate change. Is it nothing, if consumers take a more responsible approach? Absolutely not. That 30% clearly isn’t nothing, but until big

I became a father three weeks ago and this shit is terrifying to me.

Diabetes is still one of the most expensive chronic conditions to treat and the interventions to derail the trajectory to diabetes is profoundly simple and cheap, but people do not have access to the necessary preventative care to get off that path.

I saw a tweet the other day that read (I’m paraphrasing), “I’m still trying to get over the fact that my eyes, teeth, and ears need separate insurance”.

It probably starts with increased access to primary care, which is the single best way to drive down costs. If you get ahead of chronic and therefore expensive conditions, turns out, you can save a lot of money. There are large swaths of people in the US that forgo primary care because they cannot afford insurance. Or

Not necessarily - it would have actually proved that healthcare cannot be delivered en masse affordably through an insurance-style paradigm. What that would mean is those that seek to improve the efficiency of the system would have to look to other funding mechanisms and trying to remove the administrative layer that

You are correct - the person you’re responding to has internalized the right-wing talking points and trying to exercise critical thinking based on a platform of misinformation.

Looking at compensation rates in healthcare, while ignoring healthcare costs, is silly. Healthcare is often one of the biggest, if not outright the biggest, expenditure for individuals, so in terms of real income and purchasing power, providers in a more universal system receive greater compensation because they do

It’s important to dig into the reasons people on the left dislike the ACA. People on the left don’t dislike the ACA because it provides healthcare to people that wouldn’t otherwise have it, they dislike it because it’s still fundamentally an insurance policy. Their preferred alternative would be something closer to

Seems like it also could be a dilution of value, if the two games could reasonably be indistinguishable to the casual viewer. As in, if someone might have purchased Hades, but instead said, nah, I like Norse mythology not Greek mythology, all else being equal (and a reskinned game would be), I could imagine SuperGiant

Ok, wait...hear me out...what if we put disinfectant inside the body? Or like, blasted the inside of your lungs with UV radiation? That couldn’t possibly have any negative outcomes, right? It’s not like our skin serves any real purpose.

So you think we should have engaged in thoughtful discussions with the Third Reich while they were busy programmatically gassing people?

Everyone is “pro-life”. Count that as a marketing success for ultra-right wingers that are, in fact, forced-birth. No exceptions for rape or incest. And once you have the baby, lol, fuck you.

They’re in fucking Sacramento - I understand that’s not exactly the Castro, in terms of level of LGBQT+ community support, but it ain’t fucking Fresno, either.

I mean, you know what else has a racist history? Planned Parenthood. This whole outrage is so so stupid.

Funny that you mention Grand Wizards, as Twitter and this article refer to her as a KKK princess. Which is absurd.

The author of this very article noted that the pageant process was that someone other than Ellie Kemper selected Kemper in secret to be the princess or whatever the title was. To expect a sheltered teenager to buck a social tradition that her entire community supported. Most teenagers won’t burn those kinds of bridges.

The Intentional Fallacy.

If people knew how FB was gobbling up their data and then selling it, people might get upset about that and either intentionally pollute FB’s database or not give them any more information going forward. Either of those scenarios would be an existential threat to FB’s core business: selling your information to anyone