
You have a lot of time to comment relentlessly on this article to slam Adele, so I'm not sure you're in a position to feel sorry for anyone or anything.

I assume it's about salvaging Star Wars fandom. With the prequels and the terrible updates piled into subsequent editions of the original trilogy, Star Wars fandom had become a pain point rather than something you wanted to pursue and revel in. If we can somehow make the prequels become acceptable and decent, the Star

If it walks like a duck and writes articles defending the prequels like a duck……right?

I really wanted this tweet to be wrong, but the AV Club had to be so god damn predictable:
devin faraci‏@devincf Nov 12

At least we're not Gamergate!

I remember leaving the Elvis Costello and Toussaint concert at a winery here in Western Washington, marching up the cement pathway, when all of a sudden a large town car seemed to come from out of nowhere and was right behind me. I jumped out of the way, prepared to get quite upset with the individual behind the

That record came out in my mid-20s, and I made fun of Tim for being such a dumbfounded kid at his age, constantly reliving the same nonsense. Then I hit my late 20s and early 30s and the lyrics all seemed like I should have been the one to put ink to paper.

Tim seems like he's used up a lot of ideas. Adult Film, the later Cursive work, and the new Good Life record just don't seem to have it. They're not bad and have their decent moments, but I think Dorothy at Forty was the last time I heard a new Cursive track and thought it was particularly good. I still listen to

I mean, I know it's good for me, but it's so gross! But my wife/girlfriend/significant other insists I eat it! Oh, man! Life is CRAY-ZEE. By the way, have you noticed how people get so sensitive about the smallest things these days?

This is essentially the GOP platform.

He can talk all he wants, I just wish he were doing it towards a porcelain cat from his urine stained recliner like most people with his world view. I don't support giving him the spotlight or an opportunity to 'humanize' himself.

Trying to decode these. Right eye…eye….ocular…Right ocular….rocular….rockapella….jet fuel can't melt steel beams!

Poptimism and the related 'hipster' backlash against indie musicians where we all talk about how annoying their pictures look is such a peculiar thing for me. Are Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne just unfortunate souls outside of their time? Would we be talking about how good their records are if they came out today?

I feel like you're less here to play Mr. Finger Wag at the gallows humor, and more here to defend your enjoyment of a notoriously shitty popcorn flick.

Even without anonymity, it's going to be just like it is online. "How do you address superdudemushroomguy48's accusations that on Nov 14th, 2011 you went on geocities. com/ moneymoneymoney/videogamesrulz/ihatemen/index1.html and posted THIS?!" or "Can you address the claims that you were friends with your cousin's

Yes, but have you considered who gives a fuck?

But who will warn the triggers that we already know they're coming?!

"His declaration that Islam is a fundamentally evil religion—more so than all others" - is there a direct quote of him stating that? I've always heard him basically just say that there's something up in Islamic nations in that they haven't separated themselves from the ugly parts of their religious text in the way the

This comment is pretty problematic.

I couldn't help but read this in Winston's cadence on New Girl: Zombie zoo, zombie zoo. Zombie zoo, zombie zoo. Who let them damn zombies out that damn zombie zoo?